chapter one

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The most painful experience is losing someone you love, who you cherish and care for never wanting to leave their side. They make you feel special and cherish you like the prettiest gem in the whole universe, keeping you safe. Promising they will keep you safe, until the very end.

Only for you to find out that person is forever gone, they will never come back you will never see them again.

The only sound in the whole house were the sounds of horrifying cries, the words he heard early repeated like a broken record play, "Your fiance died last night, your-"

The boy who was curled up on his and his now-dead fiance's bed, shed his tears, his voice horsed from all the long restless nights of screams, and cries mourning his fiance's death he never felt this way, amguised, it was awful.

The door opened revealing a middle-aged woman who wore a black dress with her black trench coat and came in looking at the crying omega.

"Taehyung?" She said her voice was rough, experiencing the same kind of pain as him. He turned to look at her, giving her a small weak smile, he got up and went to hug her only for her to step back.

She cleared her throat raising her hand, stopping him from coming any closer. "Get dressed, the guests don't want to wait for someone like you" she looked at him, before leaving slamming the door shut.

She didn't change, not one bit, Park Hyung-sik's mom was a very hard headed woman, she wasn't accepting of their marriage, not accepting of Taehyung. "Everything's going to be fine, you're just here for Hyung-sik's funeral and nothing more," he took a long deep breath as he wiped his tears. He looked at the picture frame of his fiancé who graduated from the police academy earning his bachelor's degree. He was happy that day. Taehyung would never forget the huge smile that adored his lips.

His tears started to form on the edge of his eyes falling down, he cursed himself for all the wonderful memories they shared together, flooding through his mind, making him smile wide with tears rolling down. He was going to miss, he weeded out another heavy sob.


When he arrived at the funeral house, everyone stared at him, some whispering things as he knew his whole family didn't like him.

Everyone gave their speech Taehyung sobbed in the corner as no one acknowledged him. He covered his mouth holding in his ugly sobs. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder as he looked up, Solar she was standing beside him with her small smile displaying on her lips. She was Hyung-sik's work partner, helping him with everything, with all the crimes, and helping with investigates.

She pulled him into a hug, "Relax, it's not good for your baby," she said, patting his visible belly bump. Taehyung bites his lips embracing her as well.

She wrapped her arms around his body, calming the boy down, "He was excited, he told me every day how he couldn't wait for our son to be born, wanting to finally hold him but now...he can't" Taehyung mumbled, wiping his tears, "God I'm sorry you have to see me like this" she just let out a small chuckle.

"You don't have to worry, I understand what you're going through a very tough time but everything will be fine in the end. Just remember I'll be here with you like how you've stayed by my side through all my tough times" she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, as she comforted the omega who sniffled.

He looked up as he felt the presence of a person standing in front of him. It was Hyung-sik's mom. "Ma-"

"I need you to leave," she said, straightening her posture, staring at him with her cold hard stare. Taehyung gulped as his vision became blurry, blinking away his tears, he held onto Solar who took a hold of his hand.

"W-why? I-I" his throat felt tight, he took a deep breath, running his slender hand through his silky soft hair as he placed his other hand on top of his belly.

"I need you to leave, you're making others around you feel... uncomfortable, because of your pheromones."

"W-what no this is my fiance's funeral"

"Was." Hyung-sik's aunt came in stepping into the conversation.

"Just leave without causing a scene, this is my nephew's funeral and...and I don't want you to cause a scene. Now leave before we call the cops," the aunt said as she looked at Taehyung with a bored expression as he shook his head.

"Let him stay here, he is his-"

"Should I ask you kindly to leave? Please leave now, both of you" she said clapping her hands together Taehyung felt everyone turn to him staring at him.

Taehyung left as he bowed to the elder ladies. He held in his tears as he sat down at the end of the hallway sitting on the chair, he felt his head pound through his skull from all the endless cries, he held the tissues close as he blew his stuffed noise with them.

He didn't have the energy to defend himself.

He felt sick, not eating a single thing, he felt and looked awful, Solar sat down next to him handing him a bottle of water as he thanked her.

He sniffled, closing his eyes, taking a deep sigh. He hated this, he hated everything. The desire to disappear was itching at him, to be gone from this awful world. He wanted to end it all.


(A/n:)Hope you enjoy this book and remember don't be a silent reader I love reading all your guys comments :)

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