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The woman in his 45s slide her glasses and looked around with a small smile grazing her lips when her feets touched airport eyes glinting with happiness battling with so many emotions heaving out a deep sigh while gulping the bile down her throat

??: "Finally I'm back, I will save you this time" She mumble only audible for her pearls of tears pooling up in her eyes

She look at the person coming on her way with a wide grin make her response with the same intensity she hugged him who wrapped his arms around her lazily behaving like a kid

??: "Welcome back mom" He said once hugged her mom lazily making her chuckle at her son

??: "Yes but we need to find someone, someone very special, someone who's my life, my heart, my child"


-Y/n POV-

Y/n: "Please give me some salt" I said to one of the maids currently I'm making lunch for taehyung he told me that i don't need to work he don't want me to take stress but i still insisted

The maid passed me salt which in return i smile to her and she gladly return the back smile genuinely. I'm making his favorite food Japchae with some pancakes and his favourite strawberry milkshake

I smile when the food is done i pack hurriedly, washing my hands i left to change my clothes and then go to his office a little surprise for him I don't know if he will like it or not, Well we'll see. Hope he like it


Jimin: "So how was your date? Hmm? Tell me?" He said impatiently wiggling his brow making taehyung throw daggers at him in response

Taehyung: "For god sake Jimin this is the hundredth time you're asking me and i replied that it was good now get out of my office" He said sternly making Jimin roll his eyes at his cold tone

Jimin: "What an ungrateful jerk you're I was the one who suggested you for date and I was also the one who make you realise your feelings and you're kicking me out you hurt me right here" He said clutching his heart wiping his imaginary tears and suppressing his fake sobs making Taehyung roll his eyes at his overdramatic ass their attention drivert when someone knock on the door

Taehyung: "Come in and You get out" His second statement was towards Jimin to which he stuck his tongue out teasing taehyung while standing up, he let the person entered

Jimin: "Ahan! Look who is here, Anyeong Witch" Jimin wave his hand towards y/n who just entered with a tiffin box in her hand both wife and husband glare him to which he scoff

Y/n: "Anyeong Shorty~" She taunt with a smirk and this time Jimin glare her taehyung bit his lips to suppress his chuckle at jimin's pissed off expression

Taehyung: "Hey Love" He said boldly to y/n a slight tint of pink hue appear on her cheeks making Jimin roll his eyes at them

Jimin: "Hey love" He mimicked in low voice making a funny face

Taehyung kissed her hand softly and she blushed her face turned beetroot red not caring that he is still in the room looking at them

Taehyung: "Get out Jimin i need some alone time with my wife" He said to which Jimin wiggle his brows at him earning a death glare from y/n to which he just tease her more

Jimin: "Perfect couple a witch and a jerk"  Saying this he leave like a speed of light while laughing loudly while they both shake their head in disbelief at his childish acts

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 - 𝐊𝐓𝐇Where stories live. Discover now