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-Taehyung POV-

My eyes gone wide when she calls aunt mom. I'm finding it hard to believe she and Jimin are sibling?

This is why she was always rude with rose and never interact with Tiya much now I'm understanding everything as all the past memories register in my mind.

Jimin come smiling and stood beside me this is why he was ignoring me? because I'd hurt y/n. His sister.

I chuckle internally he was behaving like a protective brother in past days.

When I was dancing I saw he was glaring me and trust me the glare was deadly for a second I thought he developed some feelings for her but when she gave in and smile I saw his lips curved up genuinely and I sighed in relief.

Taehyung: "So you knew it from start?" I asked Jimin we both are looking straight at the reunion of the duo who is tearing up in joy

Jimin: "Mom told me few days ago" He tsked in last. I turn my head looking at his side profile now

Taehyung: "I know I was a jerk. I hurt her, humiliated her but trust me it was because of revenge no child want to see their parents killed in front of them or drown in their blood that was one traumatic incident in my whole life. I was so blind in revenge but my reason was valid"

I let out a low painful chuckle in last and look down, the memories of me hurting her flashed in front of my sight which always end up making my heart clenched.

My eyes pooled up with unshed tears. I felt his hand soft rub my shoulder, looking up my gaze met his.

His eyes softened seeing my teary orbs when we called each other soulmates then trust me their was a reason.

He was always beside me, has my back and always a good brother and sometimes an annoying brat but in the end he was, is my soulmate.

Jimin: "I know everything taehyung but it is also true that we warned you. I was with her when I didn't even know she was my sister but now I know and I'm trusting you with her"

A wide grin plastered on my face when I registered his words. He is giving me one chance to prove myself and I promise I will not disappoint him.

I side hug him and he pat my back in response I felt my heart lifted up with all heavy pain.

I giggle thinking my bestfriend, my soulmate is my brother in law he gave me a weird look. I look at him cutely and in response he just make a disgusting face

Taehyung: "Hello brother in law" I said like we're meeting for the first time, his eyes widen as he point his finger towards me

Jimin: "YAH I didn't gave you permission to call me that word it's so weird" He said and scrunch his nose I was about to speak when a voice interrupted us

Jungkook: "Anyeong mafia bangtan Park short Jimin imnida" Here comes the third wheeler mimicking Jimin's voice and I laugh out loud

Jimin smacked his head as he come and put his head on my shoulder fake crying rubbing his nose on my EXPENSIVE suit making me go eww

Jimin: "Oops is my coconut head crying?" He said faking concern Jungkook head shot up now directly glaring holes in Jimin's whole presence making us burst out laughing

I felt my heart tingle with happiness which I always crave there is no more sad days now and this feeling is the most beautiful feeling I've ever felt

We were talking, laughing and teasing each other and thinking the ways to how to kill hyunjin.

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