The entrance

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The 4 men grab our arms as if we were going to run away even though there isn't anywhere to run. "Ow that hurts my arm can you not!?" Yells Amy suddenly regretting what she said "shut up and keep walking" says one of the men sounding irritated. After awhile we come up to a white thick iron door that has a small keypad requiring a 7 digit code. Amy and Sebastian go pale with fear as they see the amount of little boxes on the calculator looking keypad. "What's wrong?" I ask hoping to come across as concerned, my dad always used to tell me that when I talked I sounded so lifeless. "Ther- there's seven digits..." Sebastian says quietly with an anxious tone in his voice. "What's so wrong with that?" Jacob asks looking more concerned at the fact that the siblings were scared than the fact we pretty much got kidnapped. "Every time 10 test subjects die they add another digit to the code." Says Amy looking even more pale with fear. "Which means that 70 people have been either driven to insanity and died or they died in the lucid box because they were electrocuted" says Sebastian with the look of realisation suddenly hitting him.

"Alright kids this machine is self-explanatory so you should be able to figure it out." Says one of the men. "Whats the lucid box?" I ask "it's a machine that forces you into a set 'lucid dream' but actually they just put your existence into some weird place they setup with a bunch of human killing creatures and sometimes a few tasks." Says Sebastian "is that why they gave you and Jacob literal spears and Amy a taser stick and they gave me a sharp weed remover?" "Yeah pretty much." "SHUT UP WE MUST BE GOING HUNTING!!" Jacob yells "did you literally not listen to what my brother said?" Amy says sarcastically.

Sebastian repeats what he said to me to Jacob. I look at all these boxes that look like metal coffins with a blue glow emitting from each sharp edge. "So do we just lie down in these?" I ask Amy "yep" "huh that's pretty simple" "I know right." " just so you know there is a 60% chance we will die in this stage." "Well that's definitely comforting to know" Jacob hisses under his breath. I lay down in the coffin like machine and all I see is darkness. I hear voices and crashes and screams of horror and of grief, crying, thrashing, glass shattering and suddenly it goes quiet... "guys did you hear all those noises..." Sebastian says with a subtle terrorised feeling in his voice.

"If you heard what sounded like a city invasion then yes" I say, scared because I'm in the dark. "Where are we right now and why is this just a black void of nothing?" Amy asks her brother. "I don't remember the details since I created this a while ago..." Sebastian mutters reluctantly. "CREATED?!" Amy yells at him "SHHH DON'T YELL" Sebastian yell-whispers "why?..." I finally cut in "the 'things' will hear us..." he pauses. "If they do we will die and there will be no hope of escaping for any of us..." "I don't understand, what will the 'things' do to us" Jacob asks "those 'things' are human figures who can and will teleport faster than light, they have a blinding glow and will put you into headlock and drive you to insanity and use your trauma against you, make it ten times worse, drive you to insanity and lastly..." he stops, scared. "They turn you into one of them. So, what I need for all of us to do is to not talk, only whisper and most importantly do. not. move." "What if we do?" Someone asks, I'm not sure because it to dark. "They might see you, you can't see them because they are pretty much just entities of existence." "You have to tell me because you're my brother..." "how do you know this?" Asks Amy "I um... dad forced me to create this place as the first 'level' of this 'game...'"

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