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It was cold. I mean, the weather was alright, a slight breeze with a clear sky. It was better weather for Portland, Oregon. Even better weather for those who rarely see the sunlight.

But. . . That wasn't the reason why I had been cold. It was a long story. Correction, it had been a long story that I didn't wish to tell. However, it seems that I have to tell it. . . Well, here it goes. . .

December 31st, 2014

~New Years' Eve~

I was going to the New Years Party. It was cold and had been raining for several hours now, so it wasn't like many people had wanted to go outside in that weather. I grimaced at the thought of stepping into the cold rain, feeling the water drops fall onto my cheeks which would then cause me to momentarily shiver in response. I disliked the rain. The cold rain that always seemed to fall.

That was probably because I hadn't thought of bringing an umbrella with me. Until, I saw her with one. Yes, it had been a girl. But, it wasn't just any girl.

She wasn't like all of the other girls. She wasn't flashy or too modest. She wasn't "fake" or too stern. She wasn't any of those things, but she was more of a normal person. That might seem like an insult to the other girls, but sometimes, it seemed like when I went on dates with those girls, they always seemed to miss something. Something that I had wanted to search for in them. Something that they didn't have. So I resumed my search. Until, that one fateful night.

Perhaps, it was my naïve personality or innocent looking boyish face, but it appeared that I hadn't found her interest. She was kind, very much so. After I mustered up the balls to tap on her shoulder, she turned, instantly putting her small, blue umbrella over me. "Oh you poor thing! You're soaked to the bone!" She exclaimed, shoving the cane of the umbrella into my frozen hands.

I was taken aback. Did she just give me her umbrella? Without a second thought? What was she, a nun? She's not a nun dumnass. Just thank her.

"Why-why did you give me your umbrella?" I forced out, stuttering slightly.

What happened to 'just thank her'?

"Now, you don't have one and you're going to freeze to death." The girl smiled softly, crossing her arms, not in a sassy way, but in a way that said she was already freezing. "I don't mind the rain. The cold I can deal with. I'll be numb soon enough."

I had felt ultimate gratitude and admiration for this girl. Because from that moment, I knew she wasn't like the other girls that I have seen throughout my 23 years of life. I bit my lower lip. "Then aren't you going to be cold as well?" I asked her, silently reminding myself not to stutter and end up embarrassing myself again.

She looked surprised before laughing softly, a slight blush creeped onto her cheeks. "I have lived here ever since I was born," she stated, a small smile on her perfect pink lips. "I'm sure that I can handle the cold."

I cocked an eyebrow slightly, smiling in amusement at her stubbornness. "But still, you should at least have an umbrella with you. We wouldn't want you getting sick now, would we?"

Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly in frustration at my rejection of the umbrella. "I have a spare."

"Where is it?"

She blinked, before searching in her purse for another umbrella as we stood under the shelter of the apartment building that wasn't mine. Which led me to thinking that she lived here.

Until she had sighed disappointedly, before meeting my gaze with those gorgeous dark brown eyes that suited her.

Wait, why am I acting like a 16 year old? Snap out of it, Jordan. . .

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