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I looked over at Ora's sleeping form, brushing hair from her face.


I remember feeling her grind against me, thinking that she wasn't the one to grind up against anyone.

But. . . I couldn't admit it aloud. . .

It actually felt pretty good.

Like she practiced grinding. Wait, no, she's not like those other girls. . . She's different.

I continued grinding back as I thought about how she could be so good at grinding. I mean, I wasn't getting hard by this. Totally not. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

I noticed her beautiful brown eyes drooping slightly as she collapsed suddenly in my arms, giggling maniacally.

"Ora?" I raised an questioning eyebrow at her giggles.

"Jordan~ Take me home!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, her lips pouting slightly. "I wanna see your house!"

I frowned slightly. "But we barely know each other."

"But-" She was cut off by rushing to the bathroom to puke.

I sighed softly. Might as well take care of her. . . Hell knows where Mar is at, and she should be the one who's caring for her. . .

I followed her, the crowd splitting apart due to the stench of puke. I even saw a few people pinch their noses and wrinkle their faces in disgust. "Ew."

As if they had never seen a drunk person before. Idiots, mind your own business.

I rubbed Ora's back and held her hair up, so that there wouldn't be any puke bits in it. I didn't wrinkle my nose. Since there were too many times where I had been the designated driver for my group of friends.

I just simply heaved a sigh as she continued puking her guts out. "Done yet?" I asked after a few minutes.

She slowly nodded, leaning against the counter. "Mhm..." She looked so pale and tired, so I decided to help her out.

I slowly lifted her up, a small smile was spreading on her lips. "You're quite a gentleman," she stated softly. She moved to press her lips on mine before I stopped her.

"I'm not going to kiss a person with leftover lunch on their lips," I joked slightly, walking out of the bar. "Anyways, do you remember where you live?"

"No," she giggled slightly. "Take me to your place!" She had a puppy dog look on her face that I, being a dog lover, couldn't resist.

"Fine. . ."


And that was how she ended up climbing into my bed, without her clothes. I didn't want to do anything because A.) she's drunk, B.) she threw up not too long ago, C.) she might file a report against me about sexual harassment or something, D.) I don't know if she wanted her virginity to be taken away by a stranger.

See? I'm not totally a fuck boy. I'm a gentleman.

The reason why she stripped was because "it was too hot" or something like that.

Anyways, I ended up falling asleep next to her because I was too tired and lazy to prepare the spare bedroom.

I checked the alarm clock that was on my black nightstand. It was 9:00. Time to wake her up.

"Ora, hey. Hey, come on, I gotta get your angelic ass home. Mar's gonna kill me for sleeping with you," I said, shaking her gently awake.

She twitched slightly before hearing my familiar voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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