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Shit. Shit. Shit. Stop kissing him now!

Jordan was soft and sweet. I relaxed, melting into this accidental kiss. Slowly his hands moved down, I didn't think about it at first, but when I realized what he was doing, I yanked my body away from his and sent my hand across his cheek. Hard. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I shrieked, causing everyone to look at me. I panicked, not waiting for his answer and raced to the bathroom, breathing heavily, hand over my exasperated heart.

"Calm down, deep breaths," I whispered to myself, over and over. "It's okay, no one can see you now."

I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks were bright red, my hair was a mess and my lips. . . Don't get me started about my lips. . .

I sighed, leaning my back against the wall as I slowly slid downwards, sitting on the ground of the unsanitary bathroom. I wished that I never offered him my umbrella. I wished that I never saw him looking lonely in the rain. I wished that Mar was never friends with him so that he would be just another guy.

I sighed, clawing my fingers through my bird's nest of hair while I heard a small knock on the door. "Ora? Are you okay?" Mar's familiar voice say.

I didn't want to answer her, so I just opened the door. Her eyes widened at my slightly wet eyes and messy hair. "I guess that you aren't," she joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I'm not, Mar! Because he stole my first kiss. My first kiss that I wanted to be with someone special," I complained. "But it was with a stranger instead!"

"Maybe, it's for the best," Mar suggested, a small smile on her lips.

I glared at her. "How? What if he ends up having some kind of disease that spreads by kissing other people? What am I going to do now?!" I pulled on my hair dramatically.

Mar rolled her eyes at me. "It'll be fine. Besides," She leaned against my ear. "I know that you're an angel."

My eyes slightly widen. "How did you know that? Did I tell you?"

Mar laughed. "You'd be surprised by how much you talk in your sleep."

My cheeks heated up slightly. "Oh. . ."

Mar took my arm. "Anyways, we're going to play your favorite game, Never Have I Ever."

I groaned, face palming. "I hate that game. I don't like drinking games."

Mar dragged me over to the bar despite my comment. I wanted to run away from me, but her grip was too strong for me to break. I ended up following her because I had nothing better to do. Until I saw him.

It was one of those awkward moments when you both don't know what to say or do until another party resolves the silence by playing a game. Pretty specific, right?

Anyways, we formed a circle around the entire room. A huge table full of drinks was in the middle of the circle.

We went clockwise, starting with a random guy with a Mohawk whom I didn't know the name of. I ended up drinking for about half of the things that they said (which were usually things a virgin wouldn't have done).

So I was pretty tipsy and lost the clear vision that I usually had. It was replaced by blurry images and outlines of people until I heard his voice. "Never have I ever. . . Done any drugs."

I smiled. I didn't have to drink for that one.

About half of the people there drank. We continued doing the clockwise rotation until it came down to me. "Um, never have I ever. . ."

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