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Hyunjin POV:
(The same time as Seungins POV)

Me and Chan's little talk ended quicker than usual because his parents called him to pick up his sister from the skate park, But this gave me an Idea...Why not Come to Seungmins place as an apology? So i rushed to call my friends

"Hey guys!!" I squiled
"Hey hyunn" Felix smiled
"Heyyyy" Jisung waved
"Guys I got a good a idea!" I said
"Spill!" They both screamed
"Well since your dates ended earlier than expected....Maybe..We can..-" I git cut off
" Bitch talk faster!!" Felix Screamed
"Why dont we go to Seungmins place and make it up to him!!" I continued
"AAAAHHHHHH" They both screamed
"Guys lets meet up at the cafe next to Seungmins apartment okay?" I asked
"Sure sure!" Jisung and felix squiled as they hung up

I rushed there with My Car and Picked up the two "Lets go?" I asked them "Yes!!" They squiled...

Once we arrived at Seungmins apartment I opened the door with the key we all exchanged ever since we were little..
We sneaked up to Seungmins room which had a crook of the door opened. We didnt come in as we heard noises..

"Hyung I like you" We all heard Felix was about to gasp but Jisung covered his mouth, our jaws dropped as we saw Seungmin kiss Jeongins lips and he confessed. We all knew that they like eachother but we didn't think It'd be this soon not to mention they kissed two times. TWO! Felix was about to get up and slam the door open but I stopped him "Guys lets give them privacy" I whispered and smiled and we left "So donut shop?" I smirked "HECK YEAHHHH" They screamed and I drove to the donut shop

Chapter 13 ends

I can hear Felix saying heck yeah out loud and its scaring me 😢

Thanks for reading ♡

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