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Hyunjin POV:

"Okay students were here!" The teacher said and lead us to the campsite all we could hear were 'its beautiful!' 'Wow!' And a bunch of gasps but also Alot of joy when we found out that the teacher who we will be staying with is Mr. Seokjin and His husband Mr.Namjoon, We all gathered to Mr. Seokjin and his husband to say our hellos. Mr. Seokjin was well known in our school since he teached alot of kids, He also married the best math teacher in the school aswell."Hi Mr. Seokjin!" Soobin exclaimed "OMG? SOOBIN??" He said and Picked Soobin up "I missed you!" He said and put him down "I missed you too sir!" He said and laughed. Mr. Seokjin was one of the most nicest teacher, He understood evenyone that had a problem just by looking at their faces. One time he even helped me figure out my sexuality, He helped Jisung overcome his anxiety and he helped alot of other kids too!

"Well children should we go now?" Mr. Namjoon asked in a deep voice which startled everyone, Mr. Seokjin hit his chest "Dont scare them" He said seriously "Im not though?" He said and we walked to our rooms "Okay children these are your cottages" Mr. Namjoon explained and lead the other children to their own cottages. And Mr. Seokjin walked up to me "Hyunjin! Its been so long!" He exclaimed "I know Mr. Seokjin!" I laughed "Oh come on i told you to just call me Jin!" He whined "Yes okay, But sir where have you been? You weren't at school for like 2 years or so?" I asked "Oh I gave birth to my first baby!" He laughed "Really?!"  I gasped "Yes! And Im pregnant right now.." He smiled and held his baby bump "C-Can I touch it?" I asked and He nodded "Hello- Oh!" I was surprised when the baby kicked "Well you better find your group! Ill show you your cottage!" He smiled and we tried to find Jisung,Minho and...Chan.

"Jisung?" I called "Hello?" I said as I reached a forest part but then i bumped into someone, I closed my eyed and prepared to fall on a rock but someone caught me. "Are you okay?" He asked "Huh?" I said no knowing what just happened "Hyunjin are you okay?" It was chan.."Chan?" I asked "Are you okay?" He asked "Yes Im fine.." I said and got off him "So what are you doing here?" I asked him "Im looking for Jisung and Minho Mr. Namjoon asked me to look for you all" He explained, i replied with a simple 'ohhh' and we went to look for Jisung and Minho.

"Where are they? Its almost lunch!" I whined "Are you hungry?" He asked "No not really...But Jeongin gets really scary when hes angry and he wont eat without all of us." I explained "Wait hyunjin...." He stopped me "Hm?" I asked "Well...Can we talk?" He asked "Uhh yeah.." i smiled "Hyunjin...Are we still like friends?" He asked and I was shocked "Ofcourse we are!" I smiled "Hey hyun...If its okay to ask.. Do you like me?" He asked and I turned red "I-I...D-" I was cut off by the sounds kissing "Huh?" We both questioned and followed the noise and we were lead to a tree. We looked behind the tree and we saw Jisung and Minho making out and They realised we were there. "Ugh" Jisung groaned "You guys are no fun, We were getting to the exiting part" Minho groaned and made Jisung stand up. "Yeah no..Jeongin will probably kill us because hes hungry" I sarcastically said "Oh shit! I forgot about Jeongin!" He screamed "Yeah no Calm down honey" Minho said as he picked up Jisung like a sack of potatoes and we went back to the main sight.
Chapter 22 ends

I added Namjin 😭😭😭

Will hyunchan be able to talk to eachother later?

Your meme for today 😍😍

Thank you for reading

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