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Felix POV:

"Felix...Come here" My dad invited me to the kitchen and I walked to the kitchen "Do you really want to know this?" He asked "Yes.." I nodded "Okay but promise me that you will tell me if Changbin treats you like this" He said "Dad he won't...Im sure of it" I smiled and reassured him "Okay....Are you ready?" He asked "Wait let me get hot chocolate" I said and he laughed and went beside me "I want coffee" He hummed a little song "Oh dad do you want me to do it for you?" I asked "No need the faster the better" He smiled "Dad! Are you saying that Im slow??!!" I gasped "Its not that you might you know....Add a bit too much.." He said and pointed to my cup "AAHHH!!! NOOOOOOUUURRR I PUT TOO MUCH SUGAR!" I whined "why do you need Sugar on your hot chocolate its already sweet though" He said " Yes but Its not enough" I said "Wait here let me help you" He said and took out the extra sugar "Thanks dad" I smield "So,Sneaking drinks without me now huh?" We heard a voice and we both jumped "AHH MOM!" "HONEY!" We both screamed at the same time "AHH WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING" He mimiced "Mom!" I whined "Feeling better honey?" My dad asked and held his waist again "Mhm but I think it would be better if you kissed me" He teased "Well then" My dad said before he kissed his lips "EWWW" I fake gagged "Oh felix, Stop acting like that wasnt what we caught you doing with Changbin" My mom teased and My smile dropped "Oh no Did you and Changbin break up already?" He asked "No...Its just about his da-" I got cut off "I figured out that you would want to know about me and his dads past..." He sighed "You dont have to say mom!" I said "No Ill say it but....In exchange of A cup of tea" He smiled and me and my dad both laughed
"Sure mom" I said and went back to the counter to make tea.

"Thank you Felix" He smiled as I gave him his tea. "Mmm" He hummed when he took a sip of it "Okay...So I guess I have to tell you know..I mean you were supposed to know when your 20 but I guess that close enough from now...." He sighed "Well....Uh.....How do I start again honey?" My mom asked my dad "Well, When you told me you started with What you and Seungkwan were" He said "Oh yes!" He remembered. "Okay so....Back when I was about 14 years old?....I used to be a really friendly boy....Mostly girls would befriend me because I was a friendly gay femboy..." He stated "One time I was In the schools bathroom fixing my eyeliner the door suddenly busted open. It was Seungkwan and his gang, they would randomly bully and say mean stuff about people....So after they finished beating me up and stuff....Seungkwan helped me get up and ofcourse being the dumb
Teenager gay boy I am I fell in love faster than the flash..Anyways after that we've been seeing each other because he wanted to see if i was 'okay' or whatever...One time i couldn't resist anymore...So I told him my feelings....And he kissed me so I thought that ment he loved me..After months of 'dating' or whatever I found out I was pregnant with his baby..." He said "WAIT WHAT?!" I screamed "Shhh im not done yet sweetheart" He shushed me "Anyways...I was pregnant with his baby and stuff so I was really exited to tell him the news. So I went to his dorm and saw him kissing my girl bestfriend.....Yes Mrs. Seo..." He sighed and my dad patted his back "A-anyways, So....Yeah I was really heartbroken at that time so I ran away I didn't know where to go cause my house with my friends was really far away and your grandma was still in Australia at that time...So I decided to stop at an ally way, I wasnt the best option but Im glad I took it becuase I saw your father smoking there" He smiled at my dad "So yeah I told him everything and stuff i cant remember but I do remember us trying to raise the baby.....But Seungkwan found out about the baby and went to my shared house with Seungmin and Hyunjin's Mothers. He started callimg me names and hitting me until I woke up in a hospital...The first news that was told to me was that I-I lost the baby" He sobbed "Mom..." I said and hugged him "S-so after that....Me and your father became friends well I liked him ofcourse....Then one time when I was 17 at a party I got dared to drink and Thats when I accidentally confessed my feelings for him and yeah thats when you came into the story" he smiled "Oh mom" I sobbed "Daad" I sobbed again "M-maybe I-i should break up with C-Changbin hyung" I sobbed "NO!" They both replied "I-i mean what i-if hes like his d-dad" I said between sobs "Sweetie you told me yourself....He wouldn't hurt you..." My dad replied "But what if he did?" I cried "Sweetie he wont..Take it from me. I can feel that hes gonna treat you well." My mom said "O-okay mom...I trust you" I cried on his shoulder "You dont trust me?" My dad fake cried "Nuuuu" I hugged him too "I love both of you" I said and snuggled them "We love you too" They both said.
Chapter 33 ends

Long chap 😭

Im crying so hard right now 😭😭😭

Im crying so hard right now 😭😭😭

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Thank you for reading 😭

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