Lavish Deed

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In the days that followed, the two had grown closer and got to know each other a little better, Stephen showing the knight what his magic was capable of, showing him memories with holograms and transfiguration spells. But the time for resting was over when Tony was asked by the king himself for a meeting regarding the abandonment of the previous mission. Stephen had proposed a transfiguration spell for himself. No one really knew if Tony had a love life in addition to his duties, which made it easier for them to get away with what Tony had done to save Stephen.

"A transfiguration spell then, you say?" the knight asked as he handed the other a cup of infused herbs. A nod from Stephen was the answer, "and ... who would you become?" he added. Stephen heaved a sigh, and leaned a little more on the table as he tilted his head, "Your pregnant betrothed. You are going to say that you ran away because I was not feeling well after i sent you a letter and you did not want to leave me alone as I was about to give birth. I can... turn into what I originally looked like... what I actually look like under this skin disguise." explained Stephen and Tony wrinkled his nose and put his cup down "No, no, I refuse to let you do this to yourself." he declared, staring into the Druid's eyes. Stephen heaved a deep, long sigh and shook his head "It's our only option if you do not want us both to end up in the dungeon again" he muttered, gulping down the tea "I do not mind. I know what I really am, I can not change it. This is just a disguise. I do not look like this, and you-"

Tony held a finger to Stephen's lips and blinked a few times as he carefully considered his next choice of words, "I am no expert on this... Kind of thing, but as far as I know, you are definitely not a woman. From what you have told me, it would cause you insurmountable pain to look like a woman again, and I do not want you to ever have to go through that again." Tony's concern was visible and understandable from his point of view. Stephen appreciated the words, and not knowing how to respond, he reached up and kissed his partner's face. No words could explain how valid it made him feel. "This is still our only chance," Stephen whispered against the knight's lips and let out another soft sigh.

Tony rolled his eyes a little and nodded, frustratedly agreeing with his idea. After all, Stephen was right; they had no other way to at least save Tony's reputation and his life in the long run. As they prepared to leave, Stephen took a little time to convince himself that he could do it. That he could become the person he was born to be. He sighed at the sight before him;A beautiful, ethereal figure painted the mirror, long raven black curls that reached far down his back with almost invisible grey strands beginning to form, those dazzling almond shaped blue eyes that seemed softer but were still so sharp, delicate features with still high and prominent cheekbones, and beautiful upturned lips. He could not deny that he had once been ravishing - a rare beauty, a wonder to all elves and druids. But this image sickened him to the core. It disgusted him to see himself with a baby bump and to know that his future would have looked like this if he had obeyed what he was always told, this is what his future would've been like.

Tony noticed the change and left Stephen alone for a few minutes until the wait ate him up inside, feeling that this idea was completely idiotic and that Stephen should not bother doing something like this just to save a peasant's life. But as he made his way to Stephen, his eyes wandered up and down the figure. He forced himself not to say anything, thinking that compliments would not make things better, but would have just the opposite effect. He simply walked up to Stephen and held out his hand, which the latter gladly accepted, "You can say what you think, Tony... I know I am a wasted beauty. I was gorgeous once. I was perfect," the druid said, looking down at their intertwined fingers with a sigh.

Tony shook his head and declined, "You are perfect," he said, pulling him into a tight hug and pressing Stephen's head into his neck, "I am sorry you have to go through this for me... You'll never have to do it again, I promise," he added, taking Stephen's face in his hands, "how do you want me to call you? You do not have to tell me that na-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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