SCP and stuff

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Kiyotaka POV

I walked down the hallway after the sudden downpour. As I was walking, I spotted the student council president and his assistant, Tachibana. He looked in my direction and stopped, causing Tachibana to stop alongside him.

"Class C requested to drop the accusation." He said.

"Really? How interesting." I closed my eyes and titled my head slightly.

"Is that what you mentioned by proving your classmate wasn't lying?" He continued, looking serious. "Good job."

I opened my eyes and went back to my original position. "Your sister did most of the work. I didn't do anything."

Then he looked away from me and to the assistant next to him. "Tachibana, there's still one vacant seat for secretary, right?"

She nodded and replied with a yes, confirming his statement.

He looked back to me. "Ayanokoji, if you want, I can make you a secretary."

Tachibana looked at him, flabbergasted. "President, are you serious?" She gaped at him.

I know I'm not popular or seem capable but... it still hurts. I thought.

"Do you have any problems with it?" He asked her, his piercing gaze back on her.

"No, if that's what you want, I have no problems with it." She replied.

So it was back to me. "Ayanokoji, join the student council."

"No thanks, I hate extra work." I refused immediately. "The student council is something serious. I just want to be a normal student."

"I'll let you do what you want for now then. Ayanokoji, don't let me down." Then the two walked off.

Then I looked a little more in front and saw Horikita. It's just one trouble after another... I sighed, but followed her.

Third POV

"Who dropped the accusation with out my approval?" A deep voice was heard through the pouring rain under an umbrella. There were others surrounding him and three umbrella less before him. "The three of us decided..." Ishizaki said hesitantly.

"Albert." The deep voice commanded. "Boss's orders. Don't hate me for this!" A tall, dark skinned man with a large build stepped up and spoke in English. He threw away his umbrella and another girl present averted her eyes as Albert beat the three up.

"I wanted to get rid of those at the bottom and see what the school would do. What a waste of time. Useless bastards. You deserve to learn your lesson." The deep voiced man knelt down next to Ishizaki. "Who was the one who tricked you?"


A group of five walked through the rain, one who was using a cane had a brown haired girl hold her umbrella for her. They walked towards the group from class C. Sakayanagi looked in fake surprise at the four. Those around her moved to protect her.

Ryuen frowned at them. "Sakayanagi, was it?" She looked at him, almost in pity. "From what I recall, you're from class C." His gaze hardened. "You just got here, think you're a queen or something? How arrogant." He smirked.

She smiled a small smile. "That's not what I think." The one who truly is a queen is right by my side though.

"I'm going to get rid of class D. Then B, then A. I'm going to get rid of you." He glared at her.

"I'd like to see you try." She looked him right in the eye as he grew fiercer. "We only need one leader."

She smiled. "That's right."

Kiyotaka POV

Horikita and I are now waiting for the streetlight to turn red for us to cross. It was completely silent, which felt awkward. So I decided to break it.

"The plan went well. That's great." She stayed silent for awhile.

"You used me, right?" She finally said.

I looked to her direction. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said simply. This must be Chabashira sensei's doing. She wasn't this suspicious before. Why is everyone opposing the prospect of my peaceful life?

"You told me that there weren't any cameras in the special annex building. You led me to come up with the plan."

"You're thinking too much."

The light turned red. We could cross.

"You promised me that you would help me get to class A." She looked downcast.

"You practically forced me into it." I replied, before trying to cross over, but she grabbed my arm.

I looked back at her. "Wait. I'm not done yet." She persisted. Our arms were getting soaked.

"I want to know what you're thinking."

"I just want to live a quiet life. That's all." I looked away.

"You wouldn't have helped me if you didn't want to." She countered.

"I just wanted to help a friend. I guess." I vaguely replied. My sleeve is all wet... How annoying...

"You're lying. You don't care about friends. Who on earth are you?"

That caused me to remember something... unpleasant.

Flash back

"Line up." A row of children were seen in plain robes separating gender by the colour. A purple haired boy next to a boy with brown hair and dull eyes was clutching his shirt in agony.

He began breath heavily, and soon fell to the ground. He coughed harshly, clutching his neck. Everyone gasped and looked at him in worry. All except for two of them, the boy with brown hair and dull eyes, and a girl with long brown hair and similar dull yellow eyes.

Those two looked down at him with cold eyes, like he was trash, before moving on, looking back up at the voice.

Flash back end

I looked down, a shadow cast on my face.

The red light was turning back to green.

"I'll help you get into class A. But..."

"But?" She asked.

I looked down at her with those same cold eyes I inherited from my parents.

"Respect my privacy."

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