Deserted island exam part one

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Keiko POV

So we all piled down the ship and they explained the rules before checking we all had worn the watches and let us go find spots and occupy them.
Apparently, the theme is freedom. The rules are:

Each class gets 300 S points.
S points can be spent to purchase items listed in the manual.
In addition, bonus points acquired during the test by fulfilling certain conditions will only be added on after the test is finished.
They cannot be used during the test.

Each class must choose one person to be their leader. Leaders cannot be changed without a legitimate reason.

On the last day of the test, each class can declare who they think is the leader of the other classes.
For each leader guessed correctly, that class receives 50 bonus points.
If the leader is guessed incorrectly, the class loses 50 points as a penalty.
In addition, a class whose leader is guessed correctly loses 50 points as a penalty and loses all bonus points gained during the test.

Spots on the island that serves as the testing ground can be occupied under the following conditions:
1 A special key card is required to occupy a spot.
2 The key card can only be used by the person designated as 'leader'.
3 Each occupation of a spot grants one bonus point to the occupying class.
- Occupation rights expire every eight hours, and each renewal grants another bonus point to the class in question.
4 Use of another class's occupied spot without permission will result in a 50 point penalty.

Students will receive penalties under the following conditions:
1 Those unable to continue the test due to poor health or injury will result in a 30 point penalty and retirement.
2 Pollution of the environment will result in a 20 point penalty.
3 Each absence at 8am and 8pm daily roll call will result in a 5 point penalty.
4 Violence, theft, or destruction of property against another class will result in immediate failure for the class to whom the offending student belongs to and the forfeiture of all that students private points.

Not too complicated, but this does require classes to work in unity. As our class is now, it is impossible to win. However, should we lose this challenge, we will ultimately win in the end. Similarly to civil wars, our class would be inclined to join one regime and they would rule over our entire class. Right now, without the presence of Sakayanagi, it is Katsuragi's chance to prove himself. However, I believe things will take a twist of fate. It's all in the cards.

We are a relatively small group, so Katsuragi assigned us to do things in pairs or alone. He and Yahiko went to scout out the spots that he had taken note off, since Yahiko was the leader. I was alone to find sources of water that were safe to drink or for sanitary purposes. I thought of the places I thought I had seen water at while on the ship. That's right, while the ship was circling the island, it was possible to see most of the spots and take note of the terrain. Honestly, everyone should have been certain that it was all wildlife and no place to comfortably stay, but it didn't appear to be the case, since majority were surprised about this development.

I spotted a running river and quickly tested if it was safe to drink by taking a tentative sip. Hm... seems clean enough. And the speed that it's going at should be enough for killing off bacteria or bringing them to other places. This is near the cave... I mentally noted this down and made my way closer to the cave, and spotted a girl with pink hair and Kiyotaka spying from the bushes. I saw Katsuragi and Yahiko about to exit the cave. (I think it was the cave at least...) I walked closer to them, and saw Katsuragi holding the key card. Smart, but not smart enough. I quickly rushed off before the pair from class D noticed me, careful to conceal my presence.

Everyone from class A assembled and reported their findings. Katsuragi told us that they had occupied a spot at the cave, subtly glaring at Yahiko. So he didn't mean to, but Yahiko got greedy and decided to occupy it, huh... I told him about the water source I had found, but neglected to tell him about class D's spying. Or what I had seen earlier...

Flash back

"Remember to keep to the contract. I'm not kind to those who betray me." Ryuen grinned. "Of course." Katsuragi replied, holding the paper. "I will abide by it. No matter what, I will win this, and overthrow Sakayanagi." Then the two walked in their respective directions to their classes.

Unbeknownst to them, I was hiding in a tree nearby, and had recorded the whole thing on video. I had a camera that Sakayanagi had entrusted to me to take a video of anything that she might find useful. Well, now to pass it to Hashimoto.

Flash back end

Well, I'm sure that no matter how we act, Kiyotaka will predict it and we will lose. But this is not a defeat. In fact, it's an overwhelming win. This school, this challenge, these exams... Are all games. And who better to play the pieces than a good leader? I believe Sakayanagi's capabilities exceed Katsuragi's. Even if she is a bit petty and childish at times, and is simply a smart girl, she has the brains to lead us. And just like how Kiyotaka uses Horikita, I intend to use her. She jolly well knows this, but she doesn't mind. Why? Because she knows I always win. In this society, you need to win to survive. And I intend to survive for a long time yet.

We all moved and marked the spots we had found on the map that Katsuragi had made of the place, and started making tents and placing our essentials in the right places. We set up a makeshift bathroom, a fireplace, all those things. We also set up a system for who had to do what each day, so we could take turns. Today I'm on firewood collecting, so I decided to quickly get that then shower. I was feeling sweaty and uncomfortable, and firewood collection would be a little dirty.

I went with a couple girls to the trees nearby and collected twigs and large branches. A boy went down to the beach to get a bucket of sand for putting out the fire when we were done. We could probably survive on the fish from the river and fruits and vegetables from the surrounding vegetation.

I grabbed my towel and a few bottles of soap, as well as a change of clothes as all the girls went down to a creek to shower. It had a waterfall above it which poured the water down to collect, so it was probably clean enough for us to bath in.

A few days from now I will probably visit the other classes to see their progress and see if what I think is happening is correct.

Let the games begin.

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