A Letter from...

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On the outside, there was an abyss mage that no one expected. It was quietly taking in all the information.

"I must immediately deliver this to her highness.."

The abyss mage was sure that it had heard everythung necessary and so left to deliver the news. After wandering through the portal network and eventually finding the one leading to the abyss order - it hurried to deliver the news as fast as possible.

Lumine, after hearing what happened to her brother, was furiuos. The nearest furniture around her almost went flying when she realised she must keep her cool around her subordinates.


The reporting abyss mage immediately left.

"Stabbed by a sword and now he's not conscious anymore.."
"That sounds too much like 'that'..."

After gathering her thoughts Lumine decided to go to her brother herself. Simply to check on him. "He should be in Rex Lapis' house"

The thought of her brother being in contact with gods wasn't pleasing, but there was nothing that she could do. Swallowing the unpleasant feelings, she went to the portal network and chose the portal that was the closer to her desired location.

She didn't wish to be seen by anyone, Lumine just wanted to take a look at her brother without anyone knowing. Unfortunately it was maybe at most half an hour since she got the report from the mage. Taking into consideration that it roughly took 5 minutes for the mage to inform her at best it had passed 35 minutes.

That couldn't be enough time for the two Adepti to leave to house but she was hoping maybe they have left to do something so that she could visit her brother in peace.

To her unfortune, when she arrived she, saw a certain short Adeptus next to her brother.

"I will come back later"

The scene seemed too peaceful to interrupt. Plus, Lumine didn't want to be seen. She wanted to do everything in secret like she always has done for her brother.

Even though Lumine didn't feel too fond of Teyvat, she had to admit the Adeptus did care about her brother. It was too obvious. However, that was not enough even in the slightest to cease her hatred.

Lumine noticed that the Adeptus noticed her presence. Even if she couldn't leave undetected she would leave wihout being caught. And so she quickly left once she felt the Adeptus' gaze on her.

Xiao sensed someone's presence and gazed in their direction. But as soon as he did, the presence left.

"Was there someone spying Aether..?

The thought of someone being after the traveller made Xiao hesitant to leave Aether's side. But he knew he couldn't sit here forever - he had to find a way to deal with the seal.

Back at the Abyss' lair Lumine gained sudden enlightenment. As Lumine and Aether used to travel from world to world they found many different relics, especially intriguing were three crusty metallic flowers.

After collecting these flowers the twins found out the truth behind them.

Three relics used to seal a cursed domain that the upper beings were afraid of.

Both of the Twins had decided to let Lumine store the flowers if one day they come across this domain. Even up till now Lumine had carefully sustained them.

Putting all the dots together Lumine was preparing a letter.

Morax. The ex-geo archon who gave up on his gnosis. I have a deal to propose. You see, I know about the Traveller's condition and can help you. Meet me today when the sun settles beyond the horizon at Guyun stone forest.

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