5: A Car Ride

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You are currently sitting in one of your favourite spots in Starbucks sipping your iced latte. After that day incident, you tried to avoid Selugi as much as you can and you can say you have succeeded in the mission for three days until Rosie messaged you this morning to meet you where you two always meet for serious talk.

In these three days, you had thought bout the company. Your dad didn't bother you after that day. Cause he knows you need space and he gave you space. You had stayed home for straight three days without going out. Just thinking about that morning again and again and maybe you took the final decision may be you will-

A voice suddenly broke you out from your thoughts.

"Hey Y/n" You saw Rosie coming towards you slowly and you saw Selugi behind her. Rosie took a seat across you as well as Selugi beside her.

You look at Rosie while raising your eyebrow then at Selugi. She was fidgeting with her fingers and wasn't making eye contact with you.

"I thought you will only come" You broke the silence between you three first. Now Selugi looks at you.

"I know what happened for that I took her here with me 'cause we all know you weren't gonna talk with her if she asks you to meet anywhere," Rosie said. She knew you so better that you can't help but gasp in truth.

"I'm still not talking to you," You said without looking at her. You took a sip from your coffee.

"You can't just give the silent treatment Y/n"

"Watch me"

"It's not fair. It's been days. You had also thrown me at my house pool. In front of many people. I forgave you that time"

"Remember how long it took you to forgive me? Weeks. Also besides that, it was your birthday" You took another sip of your beverage.

"Not the point"

"Also I didn't do it. Baek and others did it"

"You bribed them with food"

"How the fuck you know?" You looked at her with widened eyes. Cause this isn't what she should know.

"Wendy and Rosie told me" You looked at Rosie before looking at Selugi again.

"Ok bring me lunch for a week in the office and I will think about it," You said while finishing the drink. Rossane and Selugi look at you with widen eyes.

"YOU JOINING REALLY?!?!!" They both scream and asked you in a unison.

"Yah guys! Calm down there are other people too" You tried to keep them calm cause you saw other people looking at you weirdly.

"We don't care bout people right now," Rosie said and Selugi nodded her head in agreement.

"Ok whatever you two say. Yes, I'm joining again but this time not as a manager or something like that. I thought bout it a lot. I really wanna give that old man his time now" You smiled at them and they smiled back at you. Being happy for you. You knew your best friends well enough that they are showing you their true happiness right now.

"But Selugi?" You looked at her. She didn't say anything bout your deal.

"Fine, I will do it. It's not a big deal anyways" You smirked at her.


A week has passed since Jennie moved into your condo. It wasn't always peaceful. There is some bickering or yelling or slamming doors but nothing out of control. Y/n had been clubbing all night this week cause she know if she start work she will not gonna get a chance to do it again. She still gets texts from her one night stands. She has replied to some of them to pass the time or else has left them on seeing. She didn't have sex for more than five days. When she told this to Rosie she only laughed at her cause her best friend never had spent more than two nights without intimated with someone.

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