12: Tell It To The Bees

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You sat quietly on the couch in the living room having a blanket wrap around your body. It wasn't really cold weather but you were feeling it more than the other living creature in the place. Your body wasn't weak like it was before. It was night already and a sappy movie was playing on the tv with low volume settings and Jennie wasn't even in your sight at all. You weren't confident enough to face her while you were fully sober.

"Hey, you awake?" You heard a soothing voice in your back that you start adoring slowly but the sudden greeting startled you as you look at her with widen eyes.

"I'm sorry! Was I too loud?" Jennie asked in a worried laces voice.

"No no, you are ok. It's fine" You assured her.

"I'm good now" You spoke with a calm tone as a small smile crept on your lips.

"Okay," Jennie stood there with an awkward Y/n as she looked at you back again.

"Do you want to eat something?" She asked you in a polite tone.

"No, I'm good. Thanks for asking" You replied and look back at the tv.

"Can I sit here?" You heard Jennie ask from behind and you nod as a response.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Jennie asked cautiously.

"About?" You avert your gaze from the tv to the person who is sitting beside you.


"What bout me?" You changed the tv channel as you were scared of what she gonna ask.

"Where were you last night?" Her voice was filled with gentleness. Your mouth left a heavy breath.

"I was in the bar" You spoke in a small voice. Every cell in your body was telling you to run away from here to get away from Jennie cause it won't do any good to you if you speak further.

"Did something happen?"

You remained silent.

"You said you try to make things work, you keep saying sorry. I don't- I don't understand all of that Y/n"

You tilted your head at the latter for s moment.

"What did I else said?"

"Incoherent words. You had a bad dream."

You were beyond mentally exhausted. You didn't remember much about what happened but you are happy that Jennie stayed. You wanted to make her understand without telling her the whole horrible story about you. But you can't.

A sigh left from your mouth.

"You are right, Nini. You don't deserve this, I don't deserve you" You started wearily.

"I will tell mom and dad to talk with your parents so you don't have to put with me anymore"

"What do you mean?" Jennie didn't like the tone of your voice and the thing you started talking bout.

"I'm not good for you, Nini. We can stay as friends" You sighed heavily.

"I can decide for myself what's good and what's not for me" Her tone increased by her tone.

"I'm a mess can't you see it?" You provoked her.

"My life is a mess! I literally screw everything! I'm not the person you want to spend you rest of your life with!" You shouted at her.

Jennie winced watching you furious like she never had experienced.

"I was a drug addict! I was diagnosed with PTSD! You are literally sitting with a crazy addicted person!"

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