30: Our Own Universe

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"How many children are we going to have?"

"As much as you want to bear," You grinned.

"Me? You don't want to try pregnancy?" Jennie frowned.

You wasn't so keen to let your uterus filled with a human being. Also, the pain of giving birth sent you shiver down to the spine.

"Well..." You was fidgeting with her shirt. "You know, it's just my uterus... it's hassle."


"Yeah, like... it can't bear a child." You nodded.

"It can't bear a child?" Jennie folded her arms as she started to laugh.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me! This is not funny!" You threw her a disapproving look.

"You're scared! That's why!" She kept on laughing.

"Exactly!" You pouted. "I just can't, okay?!"

"Alright, alright." Jennie clapped her hands, happy to tease you. "So, how much do you have in mind?"



"You ask rare now you decide it by yourself?"

"Three is too much, don't you think? Can you take care of them all?"

"Yes I can, duh! I'm a responsible adult."

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Adult who wear her socks upside down and lost her car key almost everyday." She freed herself from you and took the duster.

"But I have you! You remind me and help me find my key," you argued.

"You do know having children mean you have to wake up in the middle of the night should they crying?"

"I have my share of not sleep for days."

"Give there food?"

"I can learn to cook. What's so hard about making milk anyway? Just put two spoons of milk powder to the bottle and pour some water."

"You forgot to boiled the bottle before you use it, wait for a while before you can pour the milk, also the water temperature and-"

"I will read there story every night before they're going to bed." You cut her off since you'd obviously failed at cooking field. "I can bath them, take there to school, go to Disney Land if they have good grades. I can spare my time for them."

"And clean their poop?"

You nodded confidently. "And clean their- what?" You frowned.

"Poop," Jennie smirked. "They're going to poop, pee, human do that things. They're not always going to be cute and adorable. I know there's diapers, but I'm not enthusiastic to use it 24/7. Babies' skin is sensitive and I certainly do not want my baby got irritation from it."

"You've read about babies?" You smiled.

"I read it sometimes," Jennie wiped the kitchen counter by the crumb.

You hugged your fiancee from behind and kissed her shoulder, preventing her from resuming her work.

"I love you, you know that?"

"Yes, why are you suddenly hugging me like this?" Jennie turned at her back only to be surprised by your lips on her.

"I love you," you mumbled between kisses.

"I love you, too."

"We're a team. If I have to wash their poopy pants, then I will."


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