17 | The Wall Between Us

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Words wouldn't form; she refused to speak.

Deep down, she was happy that he'd told her his name. It was difficult to trust someone who was so secretive, who's face she couldn't even see.

Jun-ho had unraveled slightly, turning out to be a completely different person to what she thought he was. Aera could see his morals; saving her meant no harm. She constantly had the question of 'why?' in the back of her mind, questioning his authority towards her.

The man tried his best to make conversation with her whilst eating, but it was no use. Like an ash tray, cigarettes were being put out onto her constantly. Cigarettes; burning hot thoughts that continued to sizzle and refused to cool down.

Aera kept questioning herself, trapped in her own mind, wondering why she told him. The consequences were sure to creep up on her.

She'd kept it a secret for far too long. But that's how they are supposed to be kept, right?

An opposition, she did have. Aera couldn't lie, it felt good to finally tell someone other than her best friend. Some air had finally been cleared, something like that.

After reluctantly eating, Jun-ho had taken her to the kitchen, where she had to work for the remains of the day.

It was boring as anything, but it was better than watching the horrors of the game unfold.

Aera was now the last person left in the large kitchen; all of the other guards had already completed their days work and had gone back to their rooms.

Jun-ho had told her to wait there until he got back. The girl kind of figured he'd be later than all of the others; he was more important and had more duties to fulfil.

She'd made countless food dishes throughout her work day, either for the guards or the players. Aera was secretly hoping it was for the players, feeling more than sorry for them.

The sweet aroma of Dalgona candy lingered in the air, despite the game being a couple of days ago. As soon as she walked into the kitchen, it had instantly engulfed her sense of smell, refusing to leave the whole day. It wasn't the worst smell, but it had left her thinking about the second game, and the case of her starting to feel sick.

A door opened from behind her, Aera taking minimal notice to it as she was too busy staring into an empty man with her lack of enthusiasm.

"What are you still doing here?" her eyes widened. Now she was paying attention. She didn't know what to say. How was she supposed to explain, without talking, that she was waiting for someone? The guard would for sure know that she didn't belong there from her voice and then-

A large arm wrapped around her waist, slightly swaying her from one side to another. His fingers burned into her sides, no matter the amount of clothes she had on. "I'm kidding," Aera instantly recognised his voice, unlike before, releasing the tension from her shoulders. "It's me." he laughed, strangely loosening up around her.

He spun her around with his arm, quickly placing his other hand onto her mask.
Jun-ho lifted it up and took it off, along with the black cloth confiding her long obsidian hair. He'd allowed himself to do that twice now and seeing her face and captivating locks never failed to mesmerise him.

The man finally looked at the beautiful girl in front of him after placing the mask onto the counter. He didn't like that she had to hide her face away. Jun-ho had missed her gorgeous features after being away from her all afternoon.

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