0- a new robot friend named tubbo

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It was a normal day, Tommy travels around the trashed city, turning garbage into cubes, and carrying them to the other cubes.

Tommy picks up his little cockroach friend shroud, he travels the lands with shroud, ignoring the broken verisons of him, a screen plays a video, it was before any of the humans actually left.

Tommy makes it to his little home, he opens the door and enters inside, he fix's something near the door before going to a toaster and popping out a vas tape and putting it in the TV, Tommy takes off a bag and outs the items he collected in the places they should be.

Tommy goes and watches the TV, after a couple of hours he opens the door and goes outside and takes out any dirt in his bag, tommy then saw wind like thing coming near his way, he panicked and fastly hits his bag on the floor to get any dirt out and quickly goes inside closing the door even if it stopped for a second.

Tommy goes to a corner and sleeps peacefully.


It was the next morning, Tommy does his normal things he does, wake up, go outside, make things into cubes, find new stuff that may be useful, and continue making something new with the trash cubes.

There was then a metal box, he cuts it open to reveal a green like thing growing, tommy decided to pick it up and put it in a shoe and go back home.

When he got back there was a red little dot on the floor, he continues to follow it, when he trys to pick it up more dots appeared and there were rocks and stuff were starting to appear, he makes a hole and goes in it until its safe.

When it was done tommy got out and there was a ship, tommy quickly hides, but then he saw something blue and something coming out, he slowly goes near it but then it moved, tommy quickly backs away but looks at what it doing.

Suddenly the new robot wakes up and starts scanning things and stuff, when the ship starts moving he quickly hides, when it was going up, tommy quickly hides himself in the dirt again.

He shakily opens his head out to see the robot being happy and flying around, watches the robot fly around and follows it and hides, the robot hears him and shoots something out of hid arm, it thankfully didn't hit him since he was small and it was jn the middle, tommy shakily got out of his hiding spot and goes to follow the robot when it left.

Shroud goes near the robot and the robot trys to kill it before knowing it was friendly, Tommy moves at bit and the robot shoots as tommy runs and makes noise.


It bern a couple of hours and he has been following the robot, even getting hit by alot of shopping carts.

It was night, the robot he followed went to soeep, he went to it and did stuff.

When the robot wakes up it saw a little thing, they ignore it and tommy kicks a pole because of his failure and gets hit by the poles.


Tommy watches as the robot hes mad and shoot alot of boats sadly, tommt went to it and sits down next to it, he slowly goes closer before it notices him.


It been couple of minutes and they intoxed themselves, tommy learns that the robots name was tubbo, and tubbo learned tommys name, then a strom comes.

Tommy grabs tubbos hand as he calls out for him, tommy brings tubbo into his room and closes the door.

He shows his house to tubbo, even if he tried to shoot some things or didn't know how to use them, tommy shows some of his cool stuff to tubbo, and a lightblub and a robetscube, tubbo touches a tape, but tommt fixes it and shows tubbo what it shows, tommy dancing to the music, tubbo damces to but it shakes the whole house, tommy teaching how to dance wasn't really great.


It was a fun time, tubbo also learned about fire! Which was cool, tommy then shakily tried to hold tubbos hand but ends up not doing it when tubbo looks at him.

Tubbo goes to the TV, tommy then tried to do something and tubbo laughs a bit, tommy then shows tubbo his plant but something werid happens.

Tommy didn't know what to do but tubbo didn't wake up, he calls tubbo name many times, but tubbo doesn't wake up...

So tommy then trys to spend the day even if tubbo isnt up


A/N: i think this is enough for now- it's already almost 800 words-, anyways, i hope you enjoyed! Pls vote and follow if you enjoyed this and enjoy my books! Anyways thanks for reading! (No proof read! And I tried my best to match the moving, so i'm sorry if some things are uncorect! Feel free to point it out, even tho i wont fix it)

The story of 2 robots named tommy and tubboWhere stories live. Discover now