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chapter six
( age of ultron )

💫 ━━ THE avengers had decided that Paisley wasn't a risk to them. They had decided that she just needed to be watched, and that she most likely would blow up Clint's home with some possible magic.

What they didn't think about, was the fact that Paisley would be without her father and aunt. They didn't know how she would react to being taken away, it might just prove her point of the avengers being the bad guys.

Speaking of Paisley, the young girl shifted before she shot up quickly. A gasp left her lips as she looked around in a panic — she wasn't in the red room, she wasn't locked away at HYDRA, her father wasn't bleeding anymore — she was safe.

"Hello?" She called out as Paisley rubbed her eyes, her small hands balled into a fist.

The door opened and in stepped Clint Barton. Paisley noticed that he wore a baggy t-shirt and a pair of jeans with marker all over them. He held a doll in one hand, and that's what Paisleys eyes were glued too. She didn't pay much attention to the fact that he was smiling or walking slowly towards her.

She's never had a doll, let alone any toys. HYDRA has never been that kind, and her father and aunt never had the chance to get her something like that, not that she would ever ask for it.

"Do you want it?" Clint Barton questioned as he held the doll out for the young girl. "It's name is Dory."

"Dory?" Paisley voiced quietly as she reached for the doll, her hands wrapping around the small fabric homemade doll that she was given. "Who's Dory?"

Clint tilted his head, "It's a fish from a movie, Finding Nemo. My daughter Lila really likes her."

"Oh." The young Maximoff looked at the doll with questioning eyes, she's not sure how to play with it, what to do with it, she's not sure if she should throw it or hug it. "What do I do with Dory?"

"Whatever you like. My daughter, Lila, she plays and cuddle her doll." Clint told the young girl, watching as she moved the doll around in her hands.

Paisley hummed happily as she looked down at the doll. "Păpușă, dory mea." ( doll, my dory. )

Clint nodded, despite not knowing what the young Maximoff had said. "Are you hungry?"

Paisley nodded rapidly as she got out of the bed. Her hands clutching the doll as she followed behind Clint who  was leading her towards the food that his wife had made him. When Paisley entered the dining room, her eyes widened in amazement. She's never seen this much food at once, HYDRA had never given her full course meals, nor did she get big meals when she and her family were on the run.


Pity looks. That's what Paisley received, she didn't notice though. She's never seen that much food, and it showed by the way her eyes widened in fascination — the poor avengers, even Laura knew from that moment that she's had it pretty rough.

"Eat up," Clint placed an empty plate in front of her, allowing her to pick out whatever she wanted. "Then we'll get you some other clothes."

💫 ━━ NATASHA was quick to offer her assistance in making sure that Paisley had some clothing and had a shower once she was done eating.

"Done." Paisley said as she looked up from her plate, her eyes going straight to the red head who sat across from her. There was still food on the table, but Paisley had only taken amounts of food that she knew she could eat.

Natasha smiled softly, "Would you like to change? I have some out clothes for you."

Paisley nodded and stood up, pushing in her chair as she did so. Her father had taught her that. Natasha lead her back towards the bedroom that Clint and Laura and so kindly given up for the young girl.

"Clothes? For me?" Paisley asked quietly as she pointed to the stack on the bed, folded neatly.

Natasha realized that the young girls English was that great, and that she was much more fluent in Romanian, something that her father had most likely taught her. "Da, sunt haine pentru tine." ( Yes, they are clothes for you. )

Paisley flashed her teeth in a smile before she raced forward and held up the clean fresh clothes. "Mulțumesc." ( thank you. )

Natasha nodded, "Desigur. Există un duș în baie, pot aștepta afară dacă vrei să faci duș?" ( Of course. There's a shower in the bathroom, i can wait outside if you'd like to shower? )

Paisley paused, still holding the clothes in her hands. She shifted her vision towards the bathroom door that was attached to the bedroom. "Yes, please."

And so Natasha sat on the floor outside the bathroom well Paisley took a shower. The red head didn't rush her, and let the young girl figure everything out herself, giving her the chance to.

Inside the shower, Paisley stood there as the water fell over her body. She didn't smile, instead she frowned as she thought about her father and aunt. She didn't know where they were, if they were okay, if she'd ever see them again.

💫 ━━ PEITRO stood beside his sister as they watched Ultron look down at a bundle of Vibranium, soon to be his next masterpiece.

"As soon as this is done, when you've helped me rid the Avengers, you'll see your daughter."

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