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chapter nine
( age of ultron )

💫 ━━ RYDER and Paisley weren't normal children. They were kids with powers and special abilities. Ryder is strong, some of the super solider serum in him, along with a little bit of magic in his veins. It's unknown to the world, to him even, if he had these powers when he was born or if he was an experiment like Paisley was. Paisley, she's a surprise that we'll figure out later. Everyone around her knows that she's not normal and that she's had one heck of a past. Paisley and Ryder have never been given a chance to be normal kids.

Sokovia was where the two were heading. They both were sitting in the quinjet near the front. They were playing pass with a ball. That's as normal as they could get right now, because in a mere few hours, they'll be fighting as hard as they can against Ultron beside the Avengers.

When they all landed in Sokovia, everyone was tasked with something. Wanda, Pietro, Paisley and Ryder were tasked with making sure that everyone was evacuating. They were told by Steve that it didn't matter how they got everyone to safety, but as long as they were using non harmful methods.

So that left Pietro and Ryder together. Ryder was on Pietros back holding on for dear life. Although Ryder did look like he having the time of his life.

Wanda and Paisley were standing together as red and blue floated all around them. Crimson red mist moved from Wandas' finger tips and spread through the streets. The magical mist worked its way to every person, influencing them to stop what they were doing and evacuate. Paisley, was doing the same thing, wiggling her fingers as an electric blue floated along side her aunts. Her magic was doing the same thing, influencing anyone she could to evacuate without questioning anything.

"We're under attack!" Ryder spoke from his position on Pietros back, his hands waving wildly in the air as he tried to get the attention of all the adults around him.

Pietro gripped Ryder as he turned around, making sure to yell: "Clear the city! Now!" Before he ran off again.

When no one left the police station, Ryder pointed to the gun that Pietro would have missed. "Shoot that. It'll get their attention."

Pietro grabbed ahold of the gun, handed it to Ryder and muttered a quick, "be safe" before he rushed back into the building.

Ryder shot the gun into the roof happily. He honestly was having lots of fun hanging onto Pietro like a monkey.

"Get off your asses." Pietro snipped before Ryder dropped the gun to the floor. A small clatter of noice echoed before the police and everyone else started to evacuate.

"You're doing well," Wanda spoke as she peered down at Paisley. The little girl didn't look tired or drained, she had a slight smile on her face as she watched the magic around them. In some spots, the blue and red magic created a purple mist that mixed and swirled together.

"Thank you, aunt Wandy." Paisley said as she widened her smile and looked up at her aunt. Wanda had helped teach her parts of controlling her abilitys, well as much as she knew herself.

Time has passed when Wanda and Paisley noticed that their magic wasn't doing anything anymore. Everyone's mind has been planted with the thought of evacuation. There wasn't anymore need for them to do their witchy magic, they had done their part for now.

That was until Ultron bots emerged from the ground and made their way towards the city, trying to make as much havoc as they could.

Wanda knelt down despite the danger around them. "Stay safe, okay? Try and help people off the bride and to somewhere safe."

Paisley nodded and took a look at her surroundings. Silver bots were flying around her and blasting beams causing explosions. Wanda placed a quick kiss to the top of Paisleys hair before she shooed her off towards some people.

"Get off the bridge!" Wanda exclaimed as she moved in between people, trying to gently move them towards the ends of the bridge.

Paisley on the other hand had a very different idea. She was still near her aunt, so she wiggled her fingers and allowed the blue mist to help usher people away from the nearing Ultron bots. It worked well and people had no choice but to move.

Paisley was only little. She couldn't do everything, she couldn't even carry her whole body weight yet ( she was working on that though ! ) she couldn't carry the weight of everyone relying on her, especially when her aunt was knocked down and the force field that Wanda had put up crackled and disappeared.

"Wanda!" Paisley yelled but that didn't make her aunt get up any faster. She had to do this herself now, she needed to make sure the civilians were safe and that she was too. "Go to safety!" Paisley looked over her shoulders and told the people.

That's when she lifted her hands and tried her best to copy the force field that her aunt had done only minutes ago. Hers wasn't as strong, and the more blasts she deflected weakened her.

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