forty six

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chapter forty six
( wandavision: episode seven )

💫 ━━ RYDER doesn't know what to say when Hayward tells him that they've created a new and improved Vision to eliminate Wanda Maximoff. He wants to scream at them, that she is only grieving the loss of the people she loved. She is only grieving for the person she had to see taken apart and empty, no feeling of life inside their metal body. She had to grieve the loss of two great friends. Wanda Maximoff had suffered.

That is what Ryder Stark, wanted to say. But he said something completely different. He asked why he was being told that, why he was being informed of insider information when he was not on this mission. He was only there to make sure that Paisley was safe and in no danger. He was there on his own free will, and someone who managed to keep their own free will too.

"We need your help." Hayward spoke as he sat in the chair across from Ryder, who was leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest.

Ryder, who could practically hear his father screaming nearby, chose his next word wisely. "No."


"Yeah, no. I will not help you eliminate the woman who had done alot for me — including keeping me alive." Ryder grinned as he stood up, pushing his chair. "So my answer is no. Have a good day."

Oh how Ryder would regret that. Hayward was not going to let anything get in his way, even if that meant that Paisley Maximoff had to die as well if she stood in the way of the woman he was going to eliminate.

"You too, Ryder Stark."

No more than an hour late, Ryder had found his way back into Westview. He didn't know why or how Wanda was letting him into the 'hex' without any restrictions. He didn't know why he was still lucid and could control everything and all his actions.

What was making him special enough that he wasn't mind controlled by Wanda Maximoff. Why made Ryder Stark so special that he wasn't controlled. Or why was Wanda Maximoff choosing not to control him.

"Pais!" Ryder grinned as he turned towards the playground where Paisley and Lizzy where running all around on the equipment. "Liz!"

Lizzy, whom was standing at the very top of the equipment, stilled and started to wave wildly as she eyed her new found friend. "Hey! Come join us, we're playing tag."

So Ryder rushed forward, only to he touched on the arm my Paisley. He was it now, he counted to ten, leaving a few seconds for Paisley to rush forward and away from him.

"Im gonna get you!"

💫 ━━ LIZZY was standing with her mom. It was later in the evening, but not too late yet. Just at the point that people would be having dinners.

"So the plan is?" Agatha tilted her head, questioning her one and only daughter. "Elizabeth."

"I ask Paisley if she'd like to come over for a game night because she'll be coming back from her hangout with Ryder. You already have Billy and Tommy here, along with Steve and Nat somewhere in the home, yes?"

"No." Agatha shook her head with a frown. "I asked you to ask both Paisley and Wanda to come over for a game night. If you, little ol' innocent you, ask them both to come over when the twins are already here, than neither would think anything of it."

"Oh, right, yes." Liz nodded, understanding her part in what needed to happen. She understood that she had to bring them — no matter what. She had to. That was her part in this story and then she was free.

So when the time came around. Lizzy had headed towards the Maximoff home, where she knew both Wanda and Paisley would be. She knew they were both there, because that's what her mother had told her. And her mother was somehow always right.

Liz knocked on the door, waiting patiently for someone to swing it open. It was Wanda, who looked tired, and surprised that Liz was standing there.

"Oh, Liz! Are you here for Paisley?" Wanda questioned, opening up the door wider and allowing for the girl to step into her home. "She's just in the kitchen."

Liz only nodded, waiting for Paisley to step out of the kitchen. Once the young Maximoff was standing beside her aunt, that's when Liz started to voice what she needed too. "My mom wants to know if you two would like to come over for a game night? Tommy and Billy are both very excited."

Paisley nodded excitedly. "Sure!"

Wanda, who was slightly hesitant, nodded after she saw how excited her niece was. "Sure, now?"

"That would be nice, yes." Liz responded to Wanda's question. Turning to leave and letting the two follow behind her. She flashed a small smile at Paisley, silently apologizing for what would be happening next.

💫 ━━ PAISLEY stepped into the home of Liz and her family. She was instantly greeted by her neighbour, whom was holding out two cups of tea.

"Dearies, would you like some tea?" Agnes questioned as she handed the tea to Paisley and Wanda, not even giving either of them a chance to say yes. "Lovely."

When Liz ventured off, most likely to grab something of her own. That's when Wanda noticed the kids show on the tv, but no children to watch it.

"Hey Agnes, where are the boys?" Wanda questioned, causing Paisley to look around the home. It was darker than she imagined it would be, less homely and more mythical and mysterious.

Agnes just smiled, "Oh, probably in the basement. Those kids like to explore."

Wanda stood, casting a look towards her niece, who was following behind her closely. Paisley eyed the door, reaching for it and twisting the handle, hating the way that it creaked.

"Boys?" Wanda paused, looking for any indication that her two children were in the basement. When she didn't hear anything, she ventured further down the stairs. "Tommy? Billy?"

There was no sound in the dark basement besides the sounds of Paisley and Wanda's footsteps. Paisley reached out, feeling the cold bricks against her finger tips. "Billy? Tommy?" She called out this time, looking around the darkened area for her cousins.

The loud thud was heard before Agnes and Liz had appeared. The actions caused Wanda and Paisley to whirl around in questioning, eyeing the two who stood side by side.

"Wanda. You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you? Paisley, that goes for you too you little copy cat." Agnes chuckled. "But, Wanda, you've hidden that from your nieces poor memory. Let's fix that." She reached forward, grasping Paisleys hand and pulling the ring off her finger. "All better, remember dear?"

And thud was heard once more.

"The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you both."

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