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A/N: Hi! This is the longest chapter to be included in this story, containing 3k+ words so this requires patience :) You can wait for the next update if you don't want to read this.

Sparks and Promises

Cold, pristine, and beautiful.

Y/N held out her hand to fetch the snow falling from the sky. She had one fall into her hand and watched as it shortly thawed from the warmth of her palm. It made her smile for a split second. It was lovely at first, but then it melted. It was inevitable and though she saw it coming, it made her a little grumpy. A little pool of water replaced the once gorgeous snowflake, that's why she shook her hand to whip the water off her hand before returning it to her pocket.

In her Cabernet trench coat with a long-sleeved blouse and black pants as her inner clothes, Y/N let Izana take her to wherever he wanted since she knew exactly where they were going.

Their footsteps left prints behind them as their boots were sinking into the shallow mat of snow. It was cold, she was shivering, and it was a poor choice of her to not have a scarf wrapped around her neck or a beanie and a pair of gloves to keep her warm. It was due to Izana's haste that she forgot to bring them. But she got to grab her camera at the last minute. Priorities.

"You could've just brought your motorcycle so we wouldn't be walking out in the cold, you know. You should use your brain properly sometimes," she said, breaking the silence.

"Petrol is so expensive these days. You should be thankful I'm taking you out on a date," the silver blond explained, walking ahead of her.

"Oh my god, this is a date? Nevermind I'll keep my mouth shut."

"This is also for your own good. You didn't leave that apartment for a week straight. Is there something wrong?"

Is there something wrong? The answer is no, nothing. It's simply that she has a sneaking suspicion that someone will grab her from behind and lock her up in a public lavatory, or even shoot her after robbing her. It's the paranoia that gets the best of her every time she's attempting to go out. It was also around this time of the year when it happened. Though she can now defend herself, she can't help but still feel terrified about walking down the street alone unless she has company.

Their walk through the cold paid off when she saw them standing in front of an ice cream shop. It was 31, their usual meeting place.

"Don't you get sick of ice creams?"

"No. You sit, I'll do the stuff. What do you want?"

"I'll get a sherbet. Lemon sherbet."

Y/N picked the spot in the right corner of the shop, beside the window. She settled in and sought warmth for her hands in her coat's pockets. It was freezing that night, with almost all of the establishments within her sight closed for the holiday and there she was, watching inside an ice cream shop that should've been closed since ice cream is not really in demand during the winter season. The good thing here is that the shop manager kept the heaters on instead of the air conditioner.

When she saw Izana on the way to their table, she took her hands out. Y/N glanced at her wristwatch and saw that it was already 15 minutes past eight. There are only 30 minutes left till the shop closes. The h/c-haired kept in mind to ask the silver blond later for hot pockets since it was him who brought her out.

"Here you go," Izana placed the cup in front of her. He then sat across her and started eating spoonfuls of the three-scoop cookie dough flavor he got for himself. "It's on me, don't worry."

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