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When she tore open the door, Julia found exactly no one in the hallway outside. So who had just complimented her? Great, now you're hearing voices. Let's try and act a little normal m'kay? she fretted to herself. Shoving the anxiety aside, Ju walked to the waiting room where she could hear her family talking loudly, as if they weren't in the middle of the hospital. I'm begging the staff jsut can't wait to get rid of us. Ju snorted to herself.

"Wow you guys are all kinds of quiet and restful." Ju teased as she walked into the waiting room. And once again got mobbed by her friends and family. There were like, 8 people trying to hug her all at once. "Lungs....need.... AIR!" She gasped out dramatically and her brother shoved her playfully.

"Drama queen." he teased.

"Better than being a drag queen like you." she teased back. Then she started shooing and ushering her friends and family out the door. That feeling of being watched was back and she needed to get away. Get home and inside where she knew it was safe.

Graham had hung back as they left. He turned and looked at his father, pretending to be a typical civillian in the waiting room. "Protect her." the Alpha ordered curtly.

"I don't need you to tell me to do that. She's my friend." Graham snapped back.

"That's the problem Graham. She isn't your friend. She's a freaking Omega. That means she can either help us or destroy us all. You watch her, because it is up to you to make sure that if she is gonig to be a threat to the safety of the Pack, that she gets eliminated. I don't care what you feel about her. It is your duty to the pack." the Alpha growled. Graham tried to resist the force of his Alpha's power but after a brief glaring contest, he dropped his eyes, defeated.

"Yes Alpha. I will do what's necessary to protect the pack." he agreed sullenly.

"Good. Now go." and Graham walked away from his father and headed over to Julia's house to rejoin the group.


Tiffany and Megan were sprawled on the two seater. The tiny couch was old, ugly and sinfully comfortable. It swallowed you up and made it almost impossible to escape, and eventually you found yourself succumbing to the desire to close your eyes and sleep. Judging by the deep breathing and occasional snore, both girls were fast asleep, oblivious to the movie playing on the big screen tv.

Graham and Enrique were glaring at each other, sitting on either side of an also slumbering Julia. Graham had come to the house to find Julia using Enrique as a human pillow, pain medication allowing her to rest. It was obvious to anyone watching that there was a competitive tension between Enrique and Graham, and it would be easy to assume that the problem was their shared interest in Julia. Yes that was part of the problem, but there were other issues at hand. One was a dominant werewolf with a reputation to build still, and hte other was a werewolf who had been afflicted with the first symptoms of hte madness years ago. Thus far he'd managed to hold it at bay, but for how long?

When the Pack had first realized that Julia was a developing Omega, many of hte Pack members had wanted to chase her out of town. An Omega would always be outside of the pack's hierarchical structure, neither dominant nor submissive. She would not feel obliged to protect the weaker members of the pack, nor submit to the more dominant members. Instead, she would operate on her own instincts and impulses. The Alpha was one of the ones who wanted her gone. With his pack already decimated by illness, he didn't want to risk the morale of the whole for the sake of one girl. But the Old One had convinced him to allow her to stay and develop. They may not be able to force her to abide by their pack rules, but she seemed completely oblivious to the world of the werewolves. Somehow not a single member of the pack in her old hometown had recognized her for what she was and she'd grown up an outsider to all things, strange and alone. That gave the Borealis Pack an opportunity to foster a relationship with the Omega, where she would feel obligated to assist them in reciprocity for helping her. They could invite her into the pack and have to agree to abide by their rules without ever having to deal with the issue of her being an Omega because she did not even know she was a werewolf. It gave them a unique opportunity to possibly use her to help heal them.

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