Instinct Overdrive

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Julia stepped into the auditorium and scanned through the crowd, looking for the pink frills that would revel her friends' location. Tiff may not have been the tallest, but her costume sure did stick out the most. Ah there, off to the side, Julia spotted the girls and Andrew. Wonder where Enrique and Graham are? she thought to herself as she headed over.

"Excellent costume Ju." the girls teased and Julia grinned. She had on a crimson red, hooded cloak. Underneath she had on the caramel brown leather pants, a white, off the shoulder poets shirt and a dark brown, buckled corset. Around her waist she had a belt with a faux wolf's tail hanging from it and she had finished the outfit with her darkest brown, motorcycle boots.

"What? In hte original Little Red Riding Hood, she rescued herself. There was no woodsman until teh chauvenist Brother's Grimm had to make it a man rescuing the 'helpless maiden fair'." Julia throguh the back of her hand to her forehead in a mocking swoon. The others laughed and grinned. "So where are the others?" Julia asked, looking around hte massive crowds of costumed students.

"Haven't seen Graham, and I have no clue what he'd wearing. But wait until you get a look at Enrique, his costume looks amazing. But the Principal pulled him out a few minutes ago to talk to him about something. I'm sure he'll be back shortly." Megan explained, almost gushing.

"Excellent. Well, let's not stand here looking lost without them, they can find us. Let's dance." Julia demanded with a feral smile. The others looked at her in shock but followed along without arguement. They settled into the crowd of gyrating bodies and started to dance. It was sometimes quite funny looking as these guys were not the most.. graceful of dancers, but Julia didn't care what it looked like as long as everyone was having fun. She danced like there was no one around or watching and was not aware of how much she moved like a predator in motion. Just before Enrique could reach the group through hte crowd, the song switched to a slow one and suddenly Guess Who in his Phantom costume was there. Without a word, he pulled Julia to him and started to slow dance with her, holding her close to him. She blushed a rosy glow and could not help but remember that the last time he held her close like this it was to steal a kiss. Which reminded her...

"You said you'd tell me your name for a kiss." she reminded him. He grinned at her, laughing.

"Well little Red, I kissed you. If you kiss me I'll tell you my name." he whispered to her.

She jereked away with a laugh. "Hell no! I'll figure out who you are, fair and square." she warned, and pulled away and the slow song ended. By the time she made it back to the area her friends were in, she got to see the costume that Enrique was wearing and had made Megan swoon.

He was a pirate. As in, floppy brown boots, tight black pants, open ruffled shirt and a tricorn on his head. He had a fake sword and pistol tucked into his belt and looked more like a cover to a romance novel than like Jack Sparrow. And he really did look good. She eyed him brazenly while he covertly checked out her costume. "You look rated Arrrr." she mocked playfully.

"Says the Lady in Red." he teased back. Neither one noticed how their friends smirked at each other knowingly.

"So what'd Mrs. Baumberg want with you?" Julia asked, trying to break the rising tension.

Enrique looked down, suddenly a little shy. "I'll tell you about it later. I'd rather have fun at the dance!" he admitted. So while hte songs were fast, they danced as a group. When there were slow songs, Guess Who pulled Julia away from them subtly. By the third promised dance, Julia had finally realized it.

"Why didn't you just tell me it was you Graham?" she asked softly, laughing at the surprise on his face. "Juicy fruit. Then gum you threw on my desk the first day we met. I remembered." she had too. But it was hte fact that he hadn't joined the group yet that had really clued her in.

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