Monday, March 22, 07:10 A.M.
It happened almost half an hour since Yuuta woke up.
The first-year' student still felt exhausted from the long training he received the previous day; however, he could feel all the hard work giving their results.
The score of the fights he lost against Maki was 9-3, but Yuuta felt very excited because he finally won three times.
"It's going up," Yuuta thought before yawning as he felt the soft breeze of the mornings.
At that time, usually he was ready in the classroom. But last night, his peculiar teacher said he prepared another lesson for him and Inumaki.
Some weeks ago, Yuuta decided to ask Gojo some advice to augment his potential because he wanted to be stronger to protect his loved ones.
Gojo perceived the abundant cursed energy Yuuta owned. Okkotsu even could use Inumaki's family bullhorn to manage the cursed speech like a new power. But it was likely that he would not hold a bullhorn in the middle of the battlefield.
"As we know, the only way to learn something is learning from the principal source, which is Inumaki-Kun," Gojo effusively announced, pointing to the young boy among them.
Both students had arrived in the backyard because they wanted to train without hurting someone else.
When Gojo pointed to Inumaki, the last-mentioned opened his zipper and to reveal the fangs printed on his face.
Okkotsu analyzed the marks attentively because there were only a few times he could watch them.
"Inumaki's family has been decreasing for some decades. Having this power would be a high opportunity as protection or attacking," Gojo established before looking at Okkotsu. "What are you waiting for?"
Yuuta seemed confused when he heard that question. What did he want? Maybe an explanation or instruction.
Inumaki was confused as well. "Mentaiko." What are we gonna do?
Okkotsu could not hold his inquisitiveness and looked how those words spilt from his friend's mouth.
"He looks amazing," Okkotsu mediated, but he did not mention anything.
Gojo smiled when he noticed how Yuuta had admired at Inumaki. Then, he coughed to put his hands on his cheeks.
"Kiss him."
Okkotsu did not consider himself an explosive person. He could control his emotions because he understood nothing could be worse than Rika's case.
However, after hearing he should kiss one of the semi-first grade sorcerers, Yuuta felt dizzy.
"What? Kiss Inumaki-senpai? I thought we would train the cursed speech."
Yuuta could not understand when he started mumbling. He was not an ace in the romantic field, so even kissing someone would make him flush.
On the opposite side, Inumaki seemed thoughtful.
Gojo laughed at their opposed reactions.
"And to domain that technique, you first need knowing it. The only thing you should do is kissing Inumaki-kun, so you could use it."
Of course, there should be more ways to replicate the technique, but Gojo did not think about other ways because he was busy dealing with some matters outside the school.
"We still are not so sure about your techniques. So, the best way to deal with this is making both connect their energies to create an efficient flow, or maybe explode," Gojo happily explained before pointing to Inumaki's face. "So, go ahead. Even I requested Inumaki to brush his teeth before coming."
The mentioned nodded, confirming it with a small "Shake."
Okkotsu could not believe that request.
If the kiss he had given to Rita's curse was omitted, this could be considered his first kiss.
Would it be a good anecdote for his future him? Of course not! They were in a tree-filled lot behind the school, with his teacher instructing him to kiss a person of the Inumaki clan to steal his cursed speech.
Analyzing it farther made Okkotsu feel cowed.
"Gojo-sensei, I, I think I it..."
That teacher who wished to continue testing the patience of his students had a brilliant idea. "I understand what you are saying... You need privacy! Young people nowadays want to gamble on forbidden romance, Cliché! But fine, take your time; just don't forget to keep practicing."
It was noticeable that the elder used a suggestive tone towards Okkotsu, causing the student to blush. But, Yuuta could not reply because Gojo went out of his sight.
A silence fell between the two young men, but it did not last long as Inumaki looked back at the young man.
"Tuna mayo," Let's do it.
Okkotsu froze before mentally analyzing everything that was going on.
He had three options about it.
The first was accept his responsibility and kiss Inumaki, keeping it all as a learning path.
The second was refuse kissing his partner. But that could not only interrupt his learning and might (or might not) hurt that friendship he had developed with Inumaki.
The third was to flee the place without saying an affirmation or denying it.
The third was the most viable option to avoid hurting either of them.
Okkotsu mentally debated what his morals (he still had).
But upon noticing that person's lips once more, the young sorcerer began to babble nonsensically.
"W-we...uhm, really-.... the closest thing...." Yuuta could not stop his tongue when he suddenly mentioned, "I didn't brush my teeth, maybe tomorrow we can do it. Sorry, Inumaki-senpai!"
And after saying that, that young sorcerer ran towards the school.
Inumaki let out a small laugh.
Could that be considered a justification for skipping classes? Inumaki was sure it was.

How to replicate the cursed speech technique? By Okkotsu Yuuta
Fiksi Penggemar"You must kiss him." "W-what? Kiss Inumaki-senapi?" "To master his techique, you must know it. All you need is to kiss Inumaki-kun and then you can replicate it." Au, where Gojo-sensei is supporting Okkotsu in learning the cursed speech technique; h...