Tuesday, March 23, 10:09 A.M.
"The world of sorcery is usually related to many things..."
Even if Yuuta had tried to focus on the lesson Gojo was imparting, his eyes moved to the young man next to him.
Toge seemed quite entertained in drawing thin strokes on a paper.
The special grade sorcerer tilted his head slightly to that side, curious.
By the closeness of their seats, it was easy for Yuuta to watch it. Although, Toge felt his gaze and raised the piece of paper to show it to him.
Without trying to hide it, Yuuta was surprised.
The draw was of two small branches of cherries drawn falling towards the outside of a window, playing with their shadows to seem a realistic drawing.
"Okkotsu, what is the first thing you think of when you hear cursing?" Gojo abruptly interrupted his analysis, causing the young man to look ahead, ignoring his teacher's amused look.
"Harry Potter?"
Both Panda and Inumaki let out a few chuckles while Maki rolled her eyes wearily upon hearing him.
Gojo nodded effusively before leaning back in his chair. His head held high, but no one knew where his gaze was directed as his eyes were now covered by a black cloth. After what happened with Geto, that master began to wear that black bandage, but no one dared to ask for it.
"That reminds me when I went to the amusement park of..."
Gojo started telling about a weird vacation he had, so Yuuta was for turning his glance away when he noticed a paper on his desk.
Yuuta's fingers opened the note, finding the drawing with two dots and a "P" that referred to an emoji sticking out its tongue.
Okkotsu smiled as he looked at it, running his thumb over it while admiring the small details on the draw.
Maki looked at Inumaki, who looked warily at his teacher.
It was irrational and even a bit absurd to think so, but Maki felt that Yuuta did not treat his classmates equally.
Yuuta respected Maki a lot. He even used to ask for her support to keep practicing with his katana, so they spent a lot of time together.
However, they barely talked about things outside training.
They were calm, and their friendship started to develop that way. Respectfully and calmly.
With Panda, it was the same. Yuuta used to enjoy their lively conversations about current topics and anything that had to do with his third partner.
Even Yuuta would bring those peculiar desserts that Panda wanted to taste.
But with Toge, everything was different.
At first, Yuuta was not very close to the young man.
It was notorious Yuuta recognized him as a semi-first-grade sorcerer with a unique technique.
But after their first mission together, Okkotsu began to learn more about Inumaki's limited vocabulary.
Maki would not say it out loud, but she was a little flushed because Yuuta showed a slight preference for Toge.
Even now, while Maki was seeing Yuuta, Yuuta was looking at Toge.
"Weird," Maki thought before turning her gaze again to the teacher, who was now babbling about when he encountered a curse on a roller coaster.
Well, everything was strange since Okkotsu's arrival.
And no one would know it would be even worse.
Friday, March 26, 02:34 p.m.
The students of first year were practicing at the school's training grounds.
Maki and Yuuta were the ones who trained daily with weapons.
Contrary, Panda and Inumaki used to run around, throwing things to catch them and improve their stamina.
It had happened more than once that the white-haired young man would run to the center of the runner's track to catch his cell phone.
"It motivates him more," Maki commented to Okkotsu, who watched with interest as the bearer of the cursed speech trotted and then jumped up to catch it.
Then, Inumaki fell smoothly to the ground, rising quickly to raise his two fingers in a peace sign to indicate that he was okay.
Yuuta only looked away from them when Maki tapped his head with the cane, signaling him to stop dreaming and get back at training.
"Gojo-sensei told me that Inumaki and you have been training together. Is the cursed speech hurting your brain?" Maki asked before hitting the young man's knees with her cane, who let out a groan of pain, but he did not fall to the ground.
"We haven't really practiced it that much. Most days we've tried not to use the Inumaki clan's megaphone, but it's almost impossible for me to use my own mouth," Yuuta admitted before dodging one of the blows the young woman intentionally provided towards his side.
The two began to dodge each other's blows as the conversation was lost by the fight.
But before Okkotsu could dodge a low blow from his partner, a "Tuna with mayonnaise" sounded very close to them.
Yuuta observed Panda and Inumaki watching them.
Okkotsu diverted his attention slightly, so the next thing he felt was his back hitting the grass.
"Go to Ieiri-San to find out why you're so distracted, those dark circles under your eyes aren't normal," Maki commented before raising her stick and going to one of the nearest trees to grab her water bottle.
She did not want to admit it out loud, but it really bothered her that the young man had been increasing his development so well; however, now he seemed caught up in something.
"Mustard?" Are you okay?
Okkotsu nodded before grabbing Panda's claw so he could pull himself up off the ground. He was no longer in pain from so many falls he had suffered, but now it could be said that he was slightly embarrassed at being defeated in front of someone.
"Do you want us to take you to Ieiri-San?" Panda asked.
Inumaki also raised his hand to point at him. "Salmon, rice flakes." You're not well, are you? Go to Ieiri-San.
That sentence was so long that Okkotsu could only understand the first thing as the semi-first-grade sorcerer quickly mentioned everything else. Almost as if he was worried, but his gaze was still calm.
"I'm fine, thank you. It's just the heat," Okkotsu mentioned to his companions before smiling at them and turning his gaze to where Maki was resting under the tree.
"It's true that the heat is horrible. Curses love to come out in this season, just like cockroaches," Gojo commented quietly, entering the conversation as if he had been there all along.
The students were not merely startled by his sudden appearance since the teacher was usually like that.
And when he approached mid-training meant something relevant appeared.
Gojo clapped his hands happily to attract everyone's attention. "I have some good news. Inumaki and Okkotsu, I have a mission for you."
Yuuta did not know why, but he sensed something was wrong with that mission as he noticed the smile Gojo bestowed on him.
"Rika...give me your power."

How to replicate the cursed speech technique? By Okkotsu Yuuta
Fanfic"You must kiss him." "W-what? Kiss Inumaki-senapi?" "To master his techique, you must know it. All you need is to kiss Inumaki-kun and then you can replicate it." Au, where Gojo-sensei is supporting Okkotsu in learning the cursed speech technique; h...