Chapter 6: The Hidden Strength of the Makahiya

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The sun was high in the sky, bathing the playground in its warm, golden light. Children's laughter and shouts filled the air, bouncing off the walls of the elementary school like a lively symphony. But Bobby sat apart from the chaos, nestled under the cool shade of a narra tree, watching a line of ants march tirelessly across the cracked earth.

These ants, tiny and unassuming, reminded him of soldiers. They moved with purpose and precision, each carrying a burden many times their size. Bobby wondered where they were going and what grand fortress awaited them at the end of their line.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Felipe, a classmate known for his rough demeanor, stomped over. "Hey, loner!" he jeered, giving Bobby a shove. The disturbance sent the ants scattering in panic, their line broken.

Stung by the words, Bobby stuck out his tongue. "Leave me alone, Felipe." Bobby's response did little to deter Felipe, who scoffed and walked away. Bobby watched as the ants tried to fall back into line. 

Sighing, Bobby sat back against the tree, his gaze falling upon a small, familiar plant hidden in the roots of the tree—a makahiya. Its small, fern-like leaves were open, basking in the sunlight. Intrigued, Bobby reached out and gently poked it. Instantly, the leaves folded inward, reacting to his touch. Makahiya, a shy plant, is very much like Bobby himself.

As the makahiya hid itself, a memory fluttered into Bobby's mind— it was one warm afternoon spent in the garden with his Lolo, who had shown him the plant for the first time. "Bobby," Lolo had said, his voice almost as airy as the breeze, "Even when we close up like this makahiya, we must find the strength to open up again."

Bobby pondered this as he watched the plant, waiting. Slowly, the leaves began to unfurl. A smile crept into his face. Even the smallest, most delicate things had their own kind of strength.

He thought about his own challenges—how his parents worried over his drawings, how Felipe could never seem to leave him alone, how things seem to disturb his peace over and over until he closes up and retreats quietly. Maybe, like the makahiya, he too could learn to open up again.

The bell rang, signaling the end of recess, and Bobby stood up, brushing dirt from his shorts. He took one last look at the makahiya and made his way back to class, a quiet strength growing in his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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