Chapter One: Before Rick

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I finally got out of work after a hard day.

'Gosh darn it!' I yelped as I fell over. That was the second time today, why am I so clumsy?

I felt warm hands touch my arms pulling me from the ground. At first I wanted to push them away, until I looked up and saw those smouldering brown eyes. That soft brown hair that I wanted to run by hands through...


'You okay?' he asked, helping me back to my feet.

I was speechless. I was in the presence of Rick Astley and I was speechless.

'Ri...Ri...RICK ASTLEY!' I cried.

'That's me' he said with his signature smirk.

Goodness he was hot...

I was too baffled to say anything more. Rick's hands were still on me and I had no intention to move them, until Morris came charging around the corner.

'OI!' He cried at Rick. 'Get your hands off my woman!'

I slunk back but Rick stayed where he was.

'No!' He said back, 'She's mine now!!!!!!!!!!!'

I almost cried.

'Don't let him take me Rick! I belong with you! He hurts me!' I yelped.

Morris came at Rick but he wasn't quick enough when Rick attacked.

With one swipe of his swiss army knife, Morris' dick was cut off clean from inside his jeans.

'Astalavista baby!' Rick cried as he sprouted wings.

He was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

'C'mon Samantha. Fly with me...'

''d you know my name?'

'I know more than you think'

I said no more as he whisked me off into the sunset.'

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