Chapter Three: Exploring Rick

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Three months later

I sit in the coffee shop, drinking my beverage when I spill it all down my shirt. 

'Gosh Darn it!' I scream at the top of my lungs, exiting the coffee shop into the busy street. It's been such a bad week.

'Samantha?' Someone asked behind me. I turn around, hoping it was Rick even though I haven't seen him for three months. But no, it was Morris.

'Hey Morris' I said begrudgingly. I still had not forgiven him for everything he had done to me. But it has also been three months since the last time I'd seen him.

He shoved a hand over my mouth and dragged me into a dark alleyway behind the coffee shop.

'Morris!' I screamed behind his hand but no one heard me.

'Shh.............' he hushed me. 'You're mine now.'

'OVER MY DEAD BODY' A voice pounded.


'RICK!' I cried but the sound was muffled by Morris' sweaty hand.

Rick sprouted his majestic wings and hurtled towards Morris.

Morris swung, aiming for Rick's perfect face but Rick stopped him.

'Get your hands off her.' he said calmly and Morris walked away.

I hurtled towards him. 'RICK' I cried as he embraced me.

'Jump on' he said gesturing to his back.

I jumped on and we soared once again into the sky.

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