Part 2 Worlds Collide

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The last time we left off Izuku and Aaron were called to battle at the village they were resting at due to the fact that officer academy students were being attacked by a group of bandits and retreated to the village in hopes to receive help. Izuku and Aaron dispatched the bandits with little to no effort. After the battle, Izumi one of the students walked up to Izuku to see if he was her brother whom her parents disowned. Now we continue the story!

Izuku's POV

???: "Izuku!!! Aaron!!!" A familiar voice called out to us. We turned to see it was our adopted father Captain Jeralt.

Aaron: "Old man? What the bloody hell are you doing here? I thought your job took you all the way to the capital of Faltur, what are you doing back so soon?"  Aaron asked.

As our father approached us I notice he was in the company of some unusual warriors.

Me: "Before that though, Who are they??" I asked while pointing to some soldiers who were wearing pretty impressive armor. One of which stepped toward me and Aaron.

???: "HAHAHA I must thank the Goddess herself for this! You two must be the captain's kids that he told me about!" the soldier basically screamed. " Ah to see the captain's legacy continue in these two proud warriors brings tears in this man's eyes," he said wiping his eyes

Before dad can speak my ex-sister and the other students join in on the conversation too much of my displeasure.

Izumi: "Sorry Alois but that savage *Points to Aaron* might be the sword breakers son, but this young man is my brot........"

Aaron: "THIS SAVAGE JUST SAVED YOUR WORTHLESS ASS!" Aaron is livid but I was glad he said something before she could finish her sentence.

As some of the other members of our mercenary group tried to keep Aaron's rage controlled, Dimitri and Claude dragged Izumi away before she does anything else.

Jeralt: "Well kiddos while I was on my way to our meet-up the spot I had the....... 'Pleasure' to run into my old right-hand man the New Captain of the Knights of Seiros Alois." He says as he points to Alois.

Alois: "OH Captain I always knew we would meet again. I Pride myself to follow in your footsteps, but the time for chit-chat is over sadly." Alois face went from a giant grin to a more serious one. "Captain Jeralt I would like for you and your children to follow us back to the monastery."

As soon as that last sentence left his lips my father flinched and gave a glance to me and Aaron. My father has little to no fear, so with this reaction, I and Aaron could only assume the worst.

Alois: "Please Captain, tell me you aren't thinking of running off again?"

Jeralt: 'Sigh' "No, Not even I would dare to run from the Knights of Serios." He looks at us giving us the sign to go start packing for the trip.


Aaron and me have been keeping our distance from Izumi so we don't start an issue on the way but Alois notice this and told Izumi to walk with him Jeralt and a few other knights. This gave the other three students a chance to come over and join us for a conversation.


Claude: "Soooooo Izuku, Aaron we are almost to the monastery you guys have never been there right?"

Izuku: "Right this is the first time we even heard of the monastery."

Dimitri: "Oh! Well in that case I would be more than happy to give you and Aaron a tour if you wish." 

Aaron: "Don't plan on it pal once we get the word from the Captain we are leaving!" Aaron didn't forget his father's reaction last night. Staying on guard in case someone attacks them.

Elelgard: "Are you alright Aaron you seem to be on edge ever since we left? Sadly whatever the case is we are almost there." Aaron scoffs at the question but as we looked up we saw the Monastery.

" Aaron scoffs at the question but as we looked up we saw the Monastery

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Izuku and Aaron were taken back at the scenery of the monastery. Izuku felt something with him feeling not only at home but also enraged.

Claude: "Behold our beautiful school!" He exclaimed with excitement.

Aaron: "hmm......." Aaron was looking at the monastery trying to find a weak point in its defenses. From ground to air he couldn't seem to find any weak points to exploit.

Izuku was concerned that Aaron has been on edge since the start of this trip. He deemed that Aaron is over thinking but with his current feelings on the monastery still fresh he can't drop his guard either.

Elelgard: "Izuku, Aaron will you two bee alright? Aaron you have been acting strange, do you perhaps have a fever?" She grabs his head and pulls it down to place her forehead on his to check his temperature.

Aaron: "STOP THAT!!" He quickly pulls away and the other members of the group look at him while his face was flustered. "What are you all staring at!!" He growled

Claude, Dimitri and Izuku all look at him. Claude starts laughing out loud while dimitri shakes his head chuckling while Izuku surprisingly smiles at his brother's embarrassment.

Claude: "Haha never a dull moment here"

Dimitri "Elelgard you just met him, you are bold enough for taking the initiative." He jokingly said.

Elelgard was confused at first then realized what she did. Now it was her who was flustered.

Elelgard: "Wait this is all just a misunderstanding I assure you........ STOP LAUGHING THIS ISN'T FUNNY CLAUDE!!" She starts yelling.

Izuku goes up to Aaron and decides to poke fun of the 'Raging Demon'

Izuku: "Come on Aaron getting flustered by a girl we just met. Your more like the raging hormones." He jokes getting a piss off glare from Aaron.

Aaron's anger soon became a wave of shock

'Izuku just joked and laughed.... It's a once in a blue moon moment and these students don't understand how rare this is...... maybe being around other people our age is bringing his childish side out?' Aaron thought to himself

After a few more conversations and poking fun of Elelgard and Aaron the mood of izuku and Aaron relaxed a bit more till their father called out to them pulling them aside.

Jeralt: "Hey kiddos we are almost there....." he said looking at his two sons with a serous expression "look when we get there I need you both to be quiet and please let me do the talking..... we will meet the archbishop Lady Rhea, so Arron do not get you and Izuku executed."

Aaron was about to respond just to get a stern glare from his father. He simply nods.

They arrived at the front of the monastery and as the gates open the family of three enter with the others just to see the Archbishop standing on top of a ledge look over at the three, but more specifically looking at Izuku.

End of part 2

Howdy doody mates sorry for the delay well umm a year and a half delay. I'm currently in school just trying to get through and decide to pick this up again as an escape from school sooo hopefully you guys like it. I'll try to post once a month.

Thx for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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