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A/N: Ok so just a fyi

This means Rue is speaking to herself in her mind. And talking to you

Hey I'm Rue. I'm 16 years old. I have my two besties Tyler and Riven and three enemies Elena "The Crybaby", Caroline "The Dumb Blonde", and Matt "Mr.Annoying. For as long as I could remember They have hated our guts. Well Elena and Caroline did, Matt just followed along because of his massive crush on Elena So he thought following her around like a little puppy would work, and it did, at least in the summer after our freshmen year when Elena broke up with him. Rumor has it that he was too "basic" and "boring'' for her. I mean she isn't wrong look at him. So pathetic.

I should really introduce my friends though. We will start with Tyler. He plays football and of course lives in the Lockwood mansion because his dad is the mayor and all, and has serious anger issues. Next Riven. We have the same birthday, and he moved here all the way from England. Funny thing is as long as he's been here he's still got his accent.

Well enough of this you'll learn more about me during the story.

"Earth to Rue."

"What Riv?"

"Well you basically zoned out the entire class."

"What does it matter if we don't have a teacher?"

"Wrong." A man's voice I didn't know said.

"And who are you?" I asked.

"I am Alaric Saltzman, You can call me Dr. Saltzman or Mr. Saltzman. And we have a new student if you look to your left and if you were paying attention you would know this but his name is Stefan Salvatore."

"Hi!" he exclaimed at me with a warm smile. He was cute. I stuck my hand out for him to shake as I introduced myself " Rue, Rue Carter."

I turned to Riven and whispered " Wowza... I definitely have dibs on this one." I'm guessing he heard me because he chuckled a bit. "Somethin' funny Salvatore?" I laughed a bit. "Mhmm country accent I like it."

"Well I only use it on cute boys, and it usually has them hooked." I smirked at him. I could practically hear Riven rolling his eyes. He laughed again and raised his eyebrow. Before he could get his words out Mr.Saltzman stopped him. "Enough flirting in my class Mr.Salvatore and Ms..?" "Carter" "Ms.Carter."

Ok now i'm not necessarily a playgirl, nor am I a rebel child, nor am I a goody two shoes. Lets just say im in between all and have traits of each. Now I'm not going to hold you... I'm not even paying attention to this lesson.

" Earth to Carter." I heard faintly. "Rue don't make me say your middle name." I heard Riven whisper. "What! What could you possibly want that threw me out of my thoughts!" I whispered yelled at him. "Well maybe you can be stuck in your thoughts on your own time Ms.Carter." Mr.Saltzman told me.

Ok he's starting to piss me off now.

"Oh and one thing, can you call me Rue? You know that's my name and "Ms.Carter sounds like my mom." I smiled innocently as I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my head.

"Ok Rue, who were the first people to settle in the U.S?" he asked me.

Ok.. history is not my thing, I mean why should I care about something that happened before my time?

"Umm I'm not sure honestly." He looked at me stupid. "What I don't like history, sue me."

"Ok, Can anybody help out Rue?" After he said that the bell rang. "Saved by the bell." I smiled as I stood up grabbing my bags. So glad it was the last class of the day.

Ok i'm gonna be honest, I knew the answer to the question I mean who doesn't, you learn it in first grade. I just wanna see how far I can push my limits with this new teacher.

Riv and I walked into the courtyard where we usually meet up with Tyler since we don't have a last period with him. We were standing there for about five minutes before I started to get irritated because it was hot as hell out there.

"I swear if Tyler isn't out here in 1 minutes i'm going to leave him here to find his own ride home." I said with annoyance

"Yoooo Riv Rue-" Riven stopped him in the middle of his sentence. "Don't dude shes hot and mad." "Let's go before I actually strangle one of you." I said while hopping in my car.

We got in the car and I swear Tyler reeked of weed. I swear he keeps up with this shit hes going to end up kicked off the football team.

"Tyler there cologne in my bag please put it to use." Riv said. "Thank god you said something because mine would've come out meaner." I laughed looking at him. I looked at Ty in the mirror searching through Riven's bag. Fucking pothead.

"Tyler, why are we friends again?" I asked jokingly. He looked up and he looked high as a kite. "Uhh I don't knowwwww." Riv already knew what I was gonna say. He let out a huge sigh. "Go ahead, take me home first." "But-" He cut me off. "Its fine." "Pick you up later?"."Of course." He smiled at me.

"Tyler buddy, you might wanna sober up, Riv's going home first so you got time." He nodded. "Riv, I think he's seeing rainbows." "What's new?" We both laughed at him.

Ok so while we're driving to Riven's house I might as well tell you a little more about our relationship starting with Riven. Well on Christmas break which was about 3 months ago all three of us had gone to a Christmas party that one of our friends Bonnie was hosting at a lake house. Yadda yadda yadda you know the usual story: got drunk, slept with each other and have not stayed away from each other ever since.

"What ya thinking about?" "Nothing Riv it's just, you know how I turned 16 two months ago?"

"Yea, best sweet 16 EVER! I mean your mom-''''Not the point, well weird things have been happening to me."

"What do you mean weird things?"

"I mean me floating in my sleep, when I want something to drink it floats into my hand I mean it's just-"

"You're rambling and second maybe you're dreaming-" "I'm not dreaming I swear. I thought I was hallucinating or I was being delusional but-"

"How about this after you drop me and Tyler off come back over and pick me up for a sleepover, then we can get to the bottom of this."

"Fine, I'll be around in an hour." Just like that I pulled up to his house.

He gave me one of his cheeky smiles and kissed me on the cheek and hopped out of the car. "See you in an hour Rue." I hate him so much. I laughed to myself.

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