New Orleans

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The next morning

"Riv get up!" I whispered to him. He slowly started to get up "Ugh what time is it?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the bed. He groaned. "What the fuck was that for?"

"For you to get your lazy ass up cmon." He slowly started to get up off the ground and went into the restroom. He left the door open so I just went in and sat on the counter. I wasn't watching him like a weirdo, I was just on my phone. He was done brushing his teeth and asked me "What did your mom say about going to New Orleans?"

I looked up from my phone then looked back down "She doesn't know..."


"A lie for a lie right? Are you done?"

"Yea, I texted my mom last night she's cool with it."

"Nice, let's go."

Just like that we grabbed our bags and headed out the door."

A crucial 12 hours later of driving.

"So since it's night and it's weird to show up to people's houses at 9:00 at night saying "Hi! I'm your daughter" I think we should hit Bourbon Street!"

"Sounds like plan Rue!"

After maybe two hours of walking around and dancing with random people I met this cool girl. Her name was Hope and a little girl named Henrikka, it was unique, I liked it. But they pretty much gave us all the hotspots for the teens in New Orleans.

In the hotel.

Riv and I were laying on our separate beds and I called his name in a question like.



"What do you think they'll think of me? My parents."

"One thing for sure they don't get to have a say on how your personality is, or how you were raised, because they weren't there to help raise you or help build your personality. But I think they'll think you're amazing because you are."

"Thanks Riv..."

"And I know you maybe don't want to hear this but don't you think Henrikka kind of looks like you?"

"What? No way, Ok we have the same eyes sure but no I don't think so."

" Ok, maybe it was just me. Go to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow." He got off the bed and kissed me on the head and went back into his bed and ended up falling asleep

Next day


"Riven... do not make me kill you."

I could basically hear him rolling his eyes "It's 2:00 I think I've let you sleep long enough."

I gave him a huge sigh and got up. I did my normal stuff, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. We were about to head out the door before I started second guessing.

"Ok Riv maybe I shouldn't be doing this, I mean what the hell am I-"

"Rue we're doing this, you deserve answers about this and who cares what they think, they weren't there so they don't get a say. So come you're doing this-" He pointed at both of us "We are doing this"

He practically dragged me to my car. "Ok... I got this."

We drove for about 10 minutes before we ended up in front of a huge mansion.

"Ok now this is-" I stopped him right on his tracks

"Shut up Riven."

I pulled onto the side of the road and parked. I sat there for a second before I could finally build up the courage to get out and walk up to their door. I guess I was taking too long to ring the doorbell so Riven did. "RIV!"

"Now or never princess." Just after that someone answered the door.

"Umm hi... umm I'm looking for Kol and Davina, do they live here by any chance?"

"Depends, who's asking?" The blonde lady asked

"I have reason to believe that I'm their daughter."

"Please they have one daughter and she is 5, what possible reason could you have."

"A witch, she tracked my parents down to this address."

"Come in." Riv and I both tried to walk in before she stopped us. "The human boy has to stay, we don't want your little boyfriend dying now do we?"

Both Riv and I looked at her with wide eyes and you could tell she wasn't joking.

"Here." I tossed him my keys to go sit in the car or do whatever. "Please don't crash my car."

"No promises." He ran off with my keys as I entered the house.

WHen I walked in there was a big open space with chairs and tables. This place was like a darker version of the "Casita" in Encanto.

We sat at one of the tables and we started to talk.

"You know the longer I look at your face the more it makes me realize you look a lot like Kol."

"Yea you know my friends, the ones who lead me here, they don't think I heard they're conversation but I did. They said I looked like Kol a lot too."

"If you don't mind me asking, who are these friends of yours?" She tilted her head

"I don't think you would know them, we all live back in Virginia."

"Mystic Falls?"

"How did you-"

"Well most people from Mystic Falls always end up in New Orleans, i'm not sure how but they do. And also my family and I were always in Mystic Falls."

"So if whatever my friends are saying is true and what you're saying is true, They're always in Mystic Falls but didn't even bother to at least come see me."

"Listen sweetie, I'm sure it wasn't like that. Now i'm not making excuses for them because if you are there kid. That was definitely the worst thing Kol has ever done."

"You know I always knew my mom wasn't my mom. She would always treat my younger sister better then she did me, you could tell her love for me was different then the love she had for my younger sister. We never looked alike either or my dad."

"How old are you?"


"Well if Kol and Davina left you in Mystic Falls for 16 years ill rip them both a new one."

"Well thanks, but I never got your name."

"Rebekah, but they usually call me Bex, yours?"


"Hey Bex- who is this?"

I stood face to face with the guy, and they were not lying. I was basically a girl version of him. Except the eyes, mine were blue, his was brown.

"Who the hell are you?" Were the first things to come out his mouth.

"Now that's no way to speak to your daughter now is it Kol?"

"Daughter? I only have Henrikka."

After he said that a lady with blue eyes a lot like mine came through the door and the moment she landed eyes on me she dropped her bags from I guess shopping.


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