Family part 2

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The next morning

I was up before Riven. Which isn't a surprise because dude has a massive hangover. Note to self: Never get drunk in New Orleans. Anyways it's about three and the dude is still asleep, but I'll cut him some slack. We couldn't sleep till 5 o'clock because he was ranting and throwing up all night. And I mean literally. Anyways Ever since I been up I been up thinking. About everything. Kol Davina just everything. I don't really know how I feel about this. I mean witch cool, at least i'll die of old age. I don't have to use magic if I don't want to. But the vampire thing? When I die I automatically turn to one? No. I don't I want that part of life, yea it may sound cool that i'd get to live all of eternity but that's not something i'd think i want. I mean I want to grow old and have kids, not walk the earth until I'm ready to off my damn self. So I'm definitely going to make sure I don't die anytime soon but if I do I'll make sure it'll be at least in my twenties so I don't come back as an old hag. But now that I think about it I don't think I have a choice unless I somehow get this vampire thing out of my system but I'm pretty sure that's impossible so I guess I'll live with it and die at 18 like almost every vampire in Mystic Falls.

"Turn off the lights. Please."

Welp hangover god is up. "Get up. You have twenty minutes to get ready. There's pain killers in the bathroom and shades to help with the sun."

"Can you lower your voice please, and also remind me to never get drunk in New Orleans ever again." He said as he pulled his sheets over his face.

"Ok enough time for a taste of your own medicine." I ripped the covers off of him and forced him into the bathroom. "I forgot how heavy you were."

"Did you have to do that?" I heard him get up and groan.

"Sweet 16, remember when you did this to me after mine so I could go to yours the very next day? Yea karmas a bitch."

"I said I was sorry though."

"Screw your sorrys. Get dressed, my parents already know your hungover and one more thing."


"I told them you're my boyfriend." I just blankly said.

"Well we act like it so we might as well make it official."

"Is this your way of officially asking me to be your girlfriend, in your weird hungover way?"

"Well yea, I guess. What do you say?"

"Of course, you know I'd kiss you but I'm pretty sure your breath still reeks of alcohol."

"Well I would be brushing my teeth right now but you're steadily talking to me." He lingered on the e.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed until he was done.

It was about twenty minutes later he was done. He came out with the sunglasses and I saw him pop the pills I had on the counter.

"You ready?"

He looked at me, or I think he did, I can't really see the sunglasses are so dark I can't even see his eyes.

"Born ready princess." I already know he winked at me. I don't need to see his eyes to know that.

"Then come on lover boy."

When we were driving to My families mansion he would occasionally put his hands on my thigh, I mean not that i mind, he's had his hands everywhere else if you know what I mean. Ok sorry didn't need to fill your head with those thoughts but still. Ok now my head is filled with those thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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