Masquerade Ball

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"y/n!" Hannah shouted for the reason that she thinks you were asleep again, though she hasn't seen your state even though she was standing and didn't come to think you were too.

"What!" you screamed back, Hannah turned around to see you in a standing position.

"Sorry I thought you were asleep again" Hannah looked at you with sadness for not getting it right 
"No don't worry I was sleeping" you sarcastically said
"Stop being sarcastic" Hannah pouted
"I can do whatever I want and stop pouting, it's weird" you looked at her with disgust Hannah stopped pouting and coughed.

"But anyway's, Let's go" you move past her and walk in the direction of the castle.

While you and Hannah were walking Hannah asked "It may be late for this but what is the excuse if someone asked where we came from?"
"Oh just say we're cousins and our parents know we are friends with the prince so they just let us go outside. I am not sure if they will believe it but it's worth a try" you explained
"Okay" Hannah replied

You and Hannah arrived at the front of the castle where George was standing alone and waiting for you two.

"George!" Hannah called and sprinted up to him
"Y/n! Hannah! You're here!" George scream
"See, I told you I keep my promise" you stated you walked up to him smiling, George chuckled and hugged Hannah who was going to hug George. George tried to hug you as well but you stepped away.

"Sorry, love but I hate hugs from my friends, not sure why but it's a fact. '' You stated, saying the love part very seductively as a joke, to try at least to make George laugh. But instead of making him laugh, he blushed but still understood, therefore you let it go.

"Thank you" you thanked him for understanding
"Now should we go" you clapped your hands together for no reason
"Oh, but first I need to tell Hannah something" George moved closer to Hannah
"Go ahead" Hannah replied and she looked at George and George looked at her
"Well. There is going to be a masked ball, and can you please be the one with who I dance with Hannah? You can just pretend to be a person in the high class" George looked at Hannah with pleading eyes and a pleading voice

"Sure" Hannah agreed
George turned to look at you and added
"Oh and y/n I will need to bring you and Hannah to my grandfather to introduce you two, and you as well can pretend"
You didn't seem to mind any of it so you agreed.

"What time is the thing?" you asked
"Oh it's um at 5 pm to 10 pm" George spoke
"That long" you whined 
"Don't worry y/n we can just go home somewhere at 7 pm" Hannah patted your back
"Well if that's the case then it's okay" you uttered
"So it gives us time to do whatever we want?" Hannah questioned letting go of your back and glancing at George.

"Well, I suppose so, why, what are you two planning to do?" George asked intrigued what you and Hannah were planning to do, though you don't even know what you two were going to do.

"Well we're planning to check the town until 4:20" Hannah replied, turning to you to ensure if you agree, you returned a smile at her meaning that you agree, Hannah nodded at you.

You and Hannah didn't plan anything, but you were meaning to check the town, and this was a perfect time.

"Do you want to come to George in case there is any trouble?" You suggested, meaning by 'trouble' you mean by being boring in the castle.

"I'm not sure if I'm the guy you want but I will still come. I only have to bring a guard..." George thought for a second and realized what happened yesterday.

"On second thought never mind I just remember they won't accept me to come, so will just have to sneak around the town" George added

"Fair enough" you replied
"Let's go" Hannah grabbed yours and George's hand and dragged you two to the town.

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