Past year's

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I know I haven't been updating in a long time because a lot of things happened in my life or I just don't have any motivation. but in any case I deeply apologize for my lack of writing.

This is just a brief summary of what happened over the past year's. this chapter is ver important since it tells you what happened so please don't skip it.

For the past years, you had been going to the thief and talking to him about whatever you found interesting and advice. Turns out he gives the best advice.

You have been writing a lot as well since your life got more interesting.
You've been writing about time travel and about George and the thief whose real name is Linius. He decided to tell you his real name when he saw that he could trust you.

But of course, you shared some of your poems with Hannah and George, however one time you said one of your poems out loud when you were visiting the Linus, fortunately, Linius complimented it after hearing. He claimed that it was a very good poem and you will become one of the greatest poets if you published it.

Linius started becoming like your Mother but not that much. He acts understanding and gives the best advice but you two still act like closer friends who someone might confuse by a couple, although you think of each other as siblings. For the reason that you two act like siblings, you two always fight with each other but eventually forgive one another.

Furthermore, Linuis explained the real reason why he stole is that. for the children he took care of, it turns out the small movement you heard before the masquerade ball happened was him, the little girl was one of the children he helped.

You felt sorry for asking the guards to bring him to the dungeons and offered to help him escape but he opposed that "if you didn't do what you did I  would've never met you. Plus I have this feeling that I will get out willingly by them" you understood and left it as it is. You continued giving him snacks whenever you came to visit.

One day when you forgot to check if there was anyone following you going to see Linius, Hannah was the one who followed you when you forgot to look. She found out your secret that you've been sneaking to see Linius, Hannah asked about you and Linuis and you explained everything. Luckily Hannah understood and didn't tell anyone about it.

You've grown close with the orphans that they consider you their mom or older sister, they sometimes call you sis and sometimes mom. You teach them the subjects you're good at so they have at least a little knowledge about something.

you of course bring them food, medicines when they need it and stuff to make them at least comfortable in these situations.
During the years you, Hannah, George and William had grown more mature than you were before.

George started to do royal duties that kings do to prepare him for his royal life. William knew if a person is okay and not to do the same incident again with what happened to Hannah.

Hannah learned to have fun instead of being proper in school, and you understand life and people more.

Hannah and William hang out more and you hang out more with George, though sometimes when Hannah is hanging out with William, and George has to attend royal duties you go to the kitchen to grab snacks to see Linius.

The kitchen staff don't mind you since you sometimes help around the kitchen and given that you are a very important person thanks to you being George's friend.

When you and Hannah were younger after you learned to time travel you and Hannah had been hanging out with George's siblings but as you grew older they got themselves a noble wife and husband.

You had been calling the lady when you had questions such as
"Why do we time travel in The uk even though we live in America?"
"Why do we stay in the same place when we time travel?"
"How did you know my mother?"  She answered

" The locket determines the first time where you and Hannah should be, and you can change it by travelling wherever time travel from."
"you two stay in the same place because you time travel in that place."
"I know your mother, because your mother was the holder of that locket. like you and Hannah,  we used to time travel when we were young, it was passed down by many generations in your family with a book about it and how to change it if you choose too."

George had his coronation in the past few days and now he is the king of England and Ireland. As one of his promises he published one of your poems under your name, women inspired to be like you changing history but some not taking it saying that girls should not be allowed to write and being better. But thanks to George he helped you al lot and encouraged you to write even thought you didn't need it knowing very well that men before were sexist and afraid.

Though over the past years, you had fun with William, Hannah, George, Linuis, your parents and Grandfather.

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