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I woke up with somebody hitting my back. I let out an annoying sigh and turned over to see who it was. "It's time to get up big bro!" my little sister Alexis said. She has blond hair and dyed blue and green on the tips. Her hair is in a style that people call "scene hair". She also has big green eyes and she looks a little bit like dad but a very feminine version. She's very pretty and that means that I'm gonna have to make sure that who ever she dates knows that if they break her heart, I'll kill them with a chainsaw in their sleep. But hopefully that won't happen for a while since she's only 11 years old.

"Well are you just gonna lay there or get up?" Alexis said with her hands on her hips. She is just like dad. I mumbled yeah and kicked her out of my room so I can change. I reluctantly got out of bed and went to my dresser. I picked out black skinny jeans and a black shirt. I then got my favorite belt that had fake diamonds on it. I then put on socks and black high top converse on. Emo much? Well even though I'm not I do like the style. I got out of my room and went to the the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I was done, I then remembered's my birthday. I'm 16! I ran out of the bathroom and went down stairs to be greeted by my mom, sister, and dad.

They made my favorite breakfast, sausage wrapped in bacon and cheddar grits. My mouth was practically watering over the delicious smell. "Happy Birthday!" they all said. I didn't know what to do but give them a big smile. "Happy Birthday Jordan" someone said behind me. I quickly turned around to see who it was, and I swear my smile must have widen even more. "Danielle, what a surprise" I said going to her giving her a hug. I've been friends with her since 4th grade. We did date once but we had to cut it short because I then discovered I had no interest in girls and I was more into boys. But I think she loves me even more now that I came out. I was in 7th grade when I came out.

"Aww, we get no hugs?" I heard my mom say. I stopped hugging Danielle and ran to my mom to give her a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I want one!" my little sis yelled. I then went to her to did the same thing. I was about to go to my dad but I stopped because I wasn't sure. "What, I don't get one?" he asked pretending to be hurt. I giggled a little and did the same to him. I guess you can say we are a really close family. After breakfast it was time for me and Danielle to leave. Just as we were about to leave my dad called for me,"Hey! Where do you think you're going without your keys." He then held up a pair of keys. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. "NO WAY" I shouted."Yes way" he said smirking. I ran to him, grabbed the keys and hugged him really tight.

When I got outside I saw my dream car. It's a dark blue Chevy Camaro with black stripes. Let's say it looks like bumblebee from Transformers but dark blue. I couldn't believe it, my dream car?! This is too good to be true. "You should close your mouth or birds will start nesting in it" I heard Danielle say. I unlocked my car and got in the driver's seat. I know I don't need an adult with me because I was able to get my driver's licence a week before my birthday.

"I'll see you at school okay?" Danielle said then started walking towards her car. "Okay" I yelled. I then closed my door and started the engine. "A birthday on a Monday has started pretty good so far" I mumbled while putting "Scattman" on my radio.

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