Spilled Milk

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It's now lunch time and I'm sitting next to Danielle and Damian, along with other people I talk to. "You okay?" I hear Danielle ask me. "Yeah, why?" I ask her confused. She then looked at me as if I was stupid.....okay maybe I'm just a little stupid. "Well, it's just that you have two detention slips and you never had detention before. Also, you are not eating your food nor drinking your milk. And you love milk!" Danielle told me. She knows me all too well. "You know what, I'm not okay. In fact, I feel like my whole world is going upside down and I really want to binge on all the goodies but I can't. I might lose myself again if I get more stress than I have now" I told her almost getting teary. "Hey man, me and Danielle are here for you. Remember that" Damian told me putting his arm over my shoulder. I smiled until I saw Mr. Travis getting food in the cafeteria. Damian and Danielle must have taken notice of this because Damian was whistling and Danielle slapped him on the back of his head.

"I think I should go" I said getting up. When I got up, I felt someone hit me on the back of my head. "What the hell!" I yelled turning around. "Clark" I sneered. He looked like he has an amused look on his face. "Hello faggot, I think you should sit down unless you want my fist" he said to me raising his fist. I started calming down a bit when he did that because I remember why he hates my guts. "Hey, you know, even though I'm gay for some strange reason I have more girlfriends then you will ever have" I said shoving him. He then quickly grabbed and open my milk. "What? Oh, are going to drink my milk?" I said sarcastically acting like a baby that had their bottle taken away. He moved so fast that I didn't have time to move.

He's pouring the milk on my head! Everyone's gasping and all you really hear is the milk pouring and falling on the floor. When he finished him and his buddies are laughing really hard. I had my eyes shut when he was pouring the milk on me, so when I opened them I see the goons laughing so hard that they're wiping tears from their eyes. I was about to punch Clark in the face till I heard the principle, Mrs. Clair yelling at Clark. She walked right up to us and started yelling at him and his friends. She then told them to go to her office right now and got some staff members to make sure they do. She turned to me and asked "Are you all right Jordan?". The thing is, is that Mrs. Clair is my aunt. She knows I'm a good kid just like the other teachers, especially since she's my aunt. "Yes, it's just that now I'm covered with milk" I said giving her a toothy smile to show her that I'm telling the truth. Well, half the truth. I'm not hurt physically, but mentally I am. I then felt someone pulling me by my wrist. "I'll take care of him" I heard the person say. I turned around fully and saw......Mr. Travis!!!!

'Take care of me my ass!!!' I mentally yelled. I tried to get out of his grip and pulled back but he tugged back and he just wouldn't let go. I then notice something that most people wouldn't notice or care about. His hand is big compared to mine. And I have a normal size hand for guys. 'Oh, shut up you idiot' I though hitting my self on the head. "Stop that" I heard Mr. Travis say. When we got in the bathroom, he let go of me and started grabbing a bunch of paper towels. He turned towards me and said "Does this happen every day because you seem to be okay about it which I find odd" he said now patting a paper towel on my head. All I did was shrug. He then went from my head going down. I felt a little bit uncomfortable so I suggested that I should just clean up myself, he just shook his head. "How about you clean yourself while I help?" Mr. Travis said handing me some paper towels. "O-o-okay" I stuttered. I slapped my self mentally thinking that I'm such an idiot.

He took a step closer to me and whispered "Thank you" in my ear and started patting down on me. I couldn't help but blush at how close he said that to me. Plus, his breath smells so wonderful. I guess I could say it smells like pine trees. There was some milk that went under my shirt so I started wiping under the shirt. I didn't feel so awkward now that I got that stupid blush off of my face. I was about to check on my pants but came to a stop when I notice Mr. Travis checking on it. He was wiping the rim of my jeans and close to my crotch. I gulped at how close his face was next to my pants. 'Please don't get turn on, please don't get turn on, please!' I thought as I was trying not to look down at him. 'Dammit' I thought since I was turned on by him. When I looked down I saw him smirking. He then got up and cleared his throat. "Well Mr. Braxtons, if he ever bothers you again you can tell me, other than that I find if funny what he did to you." I couldn't believe at what Mr. Travis said to me.

He then walked up to me grabbing both of my shoulders really firmly. And I notice another thing. He is way much taller than me. He's like 6'4 and I'm 5'11. So my head is a little lower from his chin, but close to it. He leaned in to my ear and started snickering a little. He said "You know, I thought it was super funny what you told that jerk. I also thought it was stupid of you to say that too since he did pour milk on you" he stood up straight again ruffling my hair. When he was about to leave, he stopped at the door. "You know what?" he asked me. "What?" I replied back blushing like crazy. He smiled at me. Actually smiling! It's not a witty smile or a mischievous smile, not even a fake one. Plus, I know a fake smile when I see one since I use it a lot. It was a genuine smile. He's happy. "You remind me of me when I was a teenager" he said to me. He then left leaving me there.

'Hunh. So I remind the hunk of him when he was a teen' I thought with a smile walking out of the bathroom.

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