Cherry: Day 3

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Yesterday went well. What Reki said is a good sign because it might mean he likes someone. Now I just hope I'm right in my assumption because imagine if they don't like each other. Yeah maybe I went too far with all this.

Today plans for the four were to visit the hot springs, play badminton, and talk to Reki.

After spending the afternoon playing badminton all day they all just wanted to rest, so they headed to the hot spring. It was closed due to maintenance

There goes my hot springs chapter

They instead decide to use the public showers, the same thing but colder. They get ready to shower, but that's when a realization hits Cherry and Joe. They still have marks from their first night. They hope and pray that they won't notice and head to the baths

Langa: The water feels cold

Reki: It's kind of warm

Langa: I was imagining the warmth of a hot spring and now I feel cold.

Cherry: Sorry about that I should have checked that

Joe: Should've? I'm freezing here. I'm leaving.

Cherry: Just because the water is colder than a hot spring?

Joe: Yes

Langa: I kind of want to leave too. I long the feeling of warm water

Cherry: You guys go ahead I'll stay

Reki: I'll stay too I guess. Not like I can shower in my room.

Joe: I'll see you tomorrow Reki. Let's go Langa.

Langa: Bye guys

They grab their things and leave to their rooms to shower

Cherry: And there was two

Reki: I need to ask you something

Cherry: That's sudden. What is it?

Reki: How did you know you liked Joe more than a friend

Cherry: It was a feeling, I can't really explain it. Why do you ask?

Reki: There's no reason just curious

Cherry: You like someone don't you


Cherry: Reki answer the question

Reki: Fine I do, but how did you know

Cherry: It's obvious

Reki: Do you know who it is?

Cherry: I have a feeling

Reki: Who?

Cherry: It's Langa right?

Reki: Yes

Cherry: How do you feel about it all?

Reki: I mean up until a few months ago I only liked girls then suddenly it's not girls it's Langa.

Cherry: So are you bi

Reki: I think so but I don't really care about labels, it's just love, a feeling people can't change.

Cherry: Are you going to tell Langa

Reki: I got close to almost saying it our first night here.

Cherry: What happened

Reki: Since you and Joe left us to have "alone time" in your room we wandered the halls.

Cherry: How do you know about that

Reki: I'm not sure if Langa heard but I did. It wasn't too loud but I walked past your door and Langa wasn't with me.

Cherry: Oh God I'm sorry

Reki: Why do you think I didn't question the hickeys?

Cherry: I thought you didn't notice

Reki: I did

Cherry: So what happened that night

Reki: We wandered the halls just talking then we started talking about a cat I'm taking care of. He said something about missing her because I liked her company. Then I told him I was afraid of people leaving me. And I almost said I was scared of him leaving me because of my feelings, but before I could say it I stopped myself and cried myself to sleep.

Cherry: Reki, are you ok?

Reki: I'm alright, just more scared than anything. I won't deny my feelings for Langa, but I wish I knew how he felt. I feel paranoid and it hurts

Reki starts tearing up

Reki: It's unfair of all people why did I have to like him. Are you ok

Cherry was also crying

Reki: Why are you crying

Cherry: I realized something.

Reki: What is it?

Cherry: I'll tell you if you tell Langa how you feel about him

Reki: I can't do that. I can't be like you and Joe, friends to lovers.

Cherry: I think Langa feels the same way you do

Reki: How do you know?

Cherry: The little things his face seem to flush when you get too close to him or touch him.

Reki: Could be a coincidence

Cherry: Only you?

Reki: I still don't want to take the risk

Cherry: Do it I promise it'll end up better than you expect

Reki: I don't know.

Cherry: If the moment is right do it

Reki: Fine and you'll tell me what you realized

Cherry: Yes

Reki: Good. Ima get out my skin is starting to wrinkle.

Cherry: I'm going to stay longer. I'll see you tomorrow

Reki leaves

Cherry:( in thought) So Mr. Usui was right about what I have feelings for Kojiro. All it took for me to realize was Reki saying "of all people why did it have to be him." So, from friends to friends with benefits, if you even wanna call it that since we've slept together only once, to having feelings for him. Reki is right, it's unfair. I feel terrible. I feel like all I wanna do is be with him. I also feel stupid. Why did it take so long to realize and why like this?

Cherry finishes his bath and heads to his room in a rush, knowing but unsure of what he's going to do when he walks through.

To be continued 

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