Chapter 1: Award Ceremony

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"And the award for Best Rising Inventor goes to... Y/N L/N!"

Everyone looks in my direction. Thunderous applause fills the room as the host announces my name. I never thought I would be sitting here, receiving an award of what I could only dream of as a child.

I stand up and walk on stage with the biggest grin on my face, trying not to cry as I hold my new achievement.

"Thank you so, so much for this incredibly remarkable once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for my loving and supportive family, uh, everyone at the lab. Lovely, lovely people, really, and everyone watching right now. Thank you, again," I'm surprised I even mustered up words to say in the first place.

I observe the room, grateful to see everyone's adoring expressions. I walk backstage and make my way back to my seat.

After the award show:

I'm feeling very confident tonight, so I attend the after party just for the fun of it. Quite a lot of people greet me to congratulate me, asking for autographs, advice for certain problems, or simply wanting to have a simple chat with me.

I'll admit, I don't perform too well in large social settings like this, but I feel more at ease knowing a majority of the guests are calm and easygoing. Heck, I feel like I can walk up to a random person and ask to become acquaintances.

And I do just that.

I examine the room and spot a tall, curly haired man sitting near a wall, almost looking like he's about to fall asleep any moment now. He looks a little nervous as well. Maybe I can try to cheer him up?

I walk up to him.

"Don't be awkward, don't be awkward."

"Hiya!" I cheerfully wave.

"Wow, way to go, Y/N," I mentally scold myself.

"Oh, hi," he quietly greets.

"I just, uh, was looking around and thought you looked pretty tired and nervous. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm usually not very social at parties unless my friends are here," he replies in a strong Australian-sounding accent.

"Ah, well, um-" more people continue to walk past me, continuing to congratulate me. I smile and briefly thank them.

"Oh, that's right, you're the winner of that award. Congrats!" He gives a small smile.


"I just so happen to be an inventor myself. Or, at least somewhat of an inventor. Almost all of them are flawed in some way," his smile slowly fades into a frown.

"We all make mistakes from time to time. It happens to the best of us," I try to reassure.

"I know, but, it seems like my creations cause even more problems than before."

His posture stiffens again and occasionally glances back and forth at me.

"If I'm being honest, I couldn't help but feel really proud of you, but slightly jealous at the same time," he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, somberly looking at the floor. He sighs and brushes his fingers through his curly hair.

"I'm sorry... just a bit worried about another invention I need to finish," he sheepishly pushes away.

I stay silent for a while until even more people continue to congratulate me. I feel bad for this guy still having to see this despite dumping his worries on a complete stranger on the other hand. Nonetheless, I hate to see a sad face on anyone.

I sigh and place my hands on his shoulders. "I usually don't offer to do things like this, but what if I help you improve your inventions? O-only if you want any help, of course," well, I did say I was feeling more confident than usual. I suppose this is something highly confident people do.

He turns his head quickly. "R-really?! I'd love that," his face almost instantly brightens. "I-I mean, yes. I'd like that," he shyly smiles, slightly blushing as well.

I giggle at his newfound happiness and ask if we could exchange our contact info to stay in touch. He accepts and we do so. I can tell that he's trying to contain his excitement. It's like seeing an excited puppy.

"So, your name is Lachy?" I look my phone. "Ah, I probably should've asked your name in the beginning, my apologies."

"No worries. Of course, I already remembered your name," he laughs.

We continue our small talk for a while until we saw people leaving. We decided we should go as well.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to your car?" He asked in a soft tone.

I check my phone for the time. "Actually, it's getting pretty late. I don't mind the extra company."

He smiles and stays by my side until we reach my car. I unlock the door and step inside, rolling the window down.

"Thank you for accompanying me."

"Anytime! It's always good to walk with a friend, especially at night for safety reasons, you know?"

"You got that right," we share another laugh. "You know, you're actually a really kind person. There needs to be more people like you in the world."

He bashfully rubs the back of his neck again. "Thanks."

I smile again. I love this guy's personality already.

Oh wait-

I soon snap out of my thoughts and get back to scheduling.

"So, uh, what time would it be best to visit you?"

"How about...4:30-ish?"

"4:30-ish it is. I'll text you more details once I get home."

He gives me a thumbs up. I chuckle a little and pull out of my parking spot.

"See you later, Y/N," he waves.

"See you soon!"

I look in my rear view mirror and see him still waving. I can't help but smile at him again.

Little did I know, this would be the start to an entirely new beginning for me.

Note #1: This is my first x reader. Hope it's not too bad.

To be honest, I want to write more Wiggles x Reader stories someday.

Idk what else to say. Uhh, stay tuned for more.

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