Chapter 3: Lavender Field

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Note #1: Oh my goodness, so sorry for not updating. I didn't forget about this story. I've been really busy with school lately and kept getting distracted by other fandoms and stuff ;-;

I really need to calm down and actually focus when writing this because I almost have no idea what I'm doing, but at the same time, it's really fun-

F/C = Favorite color


Today's another day. A glorious day, in fact. The day where Lachy and I find the perfect flower field to increase his lavender supply.

I drive back to Wigglehouse and knocks on the door.

Emma opens the door and lets me inside with a grin. I was wearing outdoorsy clothing in my F/C.

"Lachy will be out here in a little bit," Emma says as she leads me to the living room.

She walks upstairs. I sit on the couch and wait. I hear her knocking on a door.

"Lachy, Y/N's here!"

"Ah, almost ready!" I hear his soft, yet flustered voice.

The fact that he's also nervous puts me at ease a bit. This is all happening so fast, but I like this productive pace. I hear the sound of the doorknob turning and footsteps.

"Y/N, here's Lachy!" Emma introduces.

He walks down the steps wearing quite a dashing purple blazer over his regular Wiggly clothing and approaches me.

"Hello, Y/N," he quietly greets.

"Hi. Are you ready?"

He nods and extends his arm. I loop mine around his as we walks towards the door. He opens the door for me.

"What a gentleman you are," I smile.

"Wait!" "Wait!" We hear two distinct voices from behind and turn around. It's Anthony and Simon.

"You nearly forgot your baskets," Simon hands Lachy three baskets and Anthony hands me two.

"We borrowed them from Dorothy, but she said you can use them for as long as you'd like," Anthony adds.

"Thanks, you two," I smile.

"Not a problem. Now, go out there and enjoy yourselves," he waves.

"In the name of science," Simon adds.

"In the name of science!" Lachy and I say together.

We look at each other and laugh. Simon closes the door for us. And just like that, we're off.

"So, tell me more about this flower field. Have you been here before?" I ask.

"All the time. I was going to come back here a few days after the award show, but since you offered to help, I thought bringing you along would be even better. You know, inventor to inventor?"

"I certainly do! So, do you make any other inventions without your lavender mist?"

He nods and explains all the inventions he could think of off the top of his head.

A rose that was suppose to turn you into a superhero, but instead turns you back into a kid, and the antidote swaps your voice? A tea that turns you into a duck, but the antidote turns you into a fish? He even made an invisibility cloak! He deserves more credit than he gets. Even if his ideas seem a bit silly, but they're so intriguing and even more inventive.

"That's—really impressive, Lach!" I am in awe. My expression clearly shows that as he gives a light smiles. "Er, can I call you that?"

"I don't mind."

We continue to talk more about our achievements. The more I praise his works, the more confident he appears. After a while, he stops in his tracks and points at the flower field that looks perfectly divided with two different shades of purple flowers in the distance from the other side of the street.

"There is it! Now we just need to cross the street."

"Not a problem."

Just as I'm about to take a step forward, Lachy pulls my shoulders back.

"Whenever you cross the street, you should always look both ways first. Once the road is safe, hold hands with a buddy just to be safe. Officer Beaples taught me and the other Wiggles that," he explains.

"R-right," I was shaken up by his sudden action. I look both ways of the road. No other cars in sight. I extend my hand. He looks at it for a while.

"There's, uh, no need to nervous. Holding hands with a buddy, remember?"

"Yeah..." he whispers.

Finally, he holds my hand. I wonder why it feels clammy, but soft. Even though it only took a few seconds to cross, getting the opportunity to feel just a little bit of his embrace...ah, I think I see why.

Once we reach the end, we look at each other. He's blushing. I'm assuming I am too as I watch his eyes repeatedly gaze at my facial features. I look down at our hands still together. He follows and nervously pulls his hand away.

"Sorry! I got...distracted..." he messes with the flap of his jacket collar.

I take his hand back in mine. "I don't mind. There's no need to be nervous," I comfortingly grin.

He stares at me a little longer before turning away, stifling a smile, but he can't help it. We walk to the flower field and create a plan. We split up and pick as many lavender flowers we can. Simple enough, right? Only thing is, I could barely identify the difference between the lavenders and lilacs without a magnifying glass which I did not bring with me. I should've prepared more properly. I was focusing so much on seeing Lachy again that I barely planned for anything else besides collecting lavender.

What a predicament. I walk back to Lachy and tap him on the shoulder. He flinches and turns his head.

"Whoops! Didn't mean to startle you," I apologize. "I think there's, uh, a slight problem."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, I didn't bring a magnifying glass or any other materials except the baskets because I was so caught up in seeing you again and I was wondering if you had one on you?"

"Not to worry," he takes out a magnifying glass with multiple lenses on top and a purple handle. "Maybe you can try a prototype of one of my latest inventions. I worked on this last night to try to impress you. The purpose of the additional lenses lets you use both of your eyes rather than one so you'll see the details of objects more clearly."

"This is perfect! Thank you!" I take it from his hand, touching it with mines, of course. That's what you do when handed an object. No awkwardness or other feelings here, ahem.

I make my way to the middle of the field and crouch down, observing the two different flowers. "Lachy, look at this," I yell and gesture him to get closer, but I wasn't aware he was following me all this time. "Whoops. Didn't see you there."

He gets down to my level.

"Ah! On the left side, this is the lavender you're looking for and on the right are lilacs."

"I know."

"Wha—oh, right," I forgot he's been here before. I smile. "It sure is beautiful, isn't it?"

He replies in a mere whisper under his breath, but I hear him crystal clear. "Yeah."

Note #2: I can't believe I haven't properly updated this since July 2022. This is like, my longest fixation ever. If I can find where to watch more episodes, Ready Steady Wiggle 4 is slowly refueling my Wiggles fixation again. Hopefully that pushes me to write more Wiggles-related stories.

I feel like I gotta increase the pacing of this story. There's still so much I can do more with this story. Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

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