Chapter 2: The Sleepy Inventor

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Note #1: I just wanna ramble about something for a bit. You can skip this if you want.

I don't know what year this takes place in. I want to say during RSW2 (Ready, Steady, Wiggle: Series 2), but then I also want Lachy to have his curly hair when he started growing it out around 2016 I believe. So unless time travel is involved, I'll mainly be describing his RSW2 invention room. I have no idea what the layout for Wigglehouse is though. I'm making it up along as I go honestly, but it still holds its charm and colorful whimsy.

Okay, that's all. You may continue your reading.


During that night, Lachy and I got to know each other more. He told me about his three friends that he lives with; Emma, Simon, and Anthony, even more of his friends who happen to be a talking species among their kind, and more about his main occupation.

Apparently, he's a singer who mainly plays the keyboard in a band with the previously mentioned trio called The Wiggles. I've heard a couple of their songs here and there, but I had no idea it was a big deal.

I felt somewhat dumbfounded hearing about this new information, but in the best way possible. I pay attention so much, fascinated by his life that I had forgotten to share important details about my own. I hadn't realized that until I reread our messages the next morning. Hopefully, I'll make it up once I visit him.

I can't explain it, but I'm feeling very excited about the trip to Wiggleworld. It has an interesting name. I hop in my car, buckle in my seatbelt, and follow the directions on my phone to this 'Wigglehouse.'

Lachy's POV

I anxiously pace back and forth, lightly squeezing my fingers, thinking about Y/N's last message she sent last night.

'Can't wait, see you soon!'

I can't believe I'm the one who invited somebody new this time. I take deep breaths to calm myself and walk downstairs to my invention room. I look at the table and find one of my unfinished inventions. I still haven't managed to perfect it. Maybe Y/N can help me with this one first...?


I park in front of the description Lachy told me; a yellow house with a green door and a face on it. I knock on the door three times and wait. A woman in a bright yellow shirt and a bow in her hair greets me.

"Ah! You must be the one Lachy's been talking about all day and night," she laughs.

Wow, it hasn't even been twenty-four hours and it's like his main friend group is acquainted with me already.

"Er, he has-?" I snap back to reality.

"Definitely! I think he's waiting in his invention room, follow me," she gestures me to walk inside.

The interior of the house is very eye-catching and colorful, mainly consisting of red, blue, yellow, and purple decor.

She gently knocks on the doorframe. "Lachy, your friend is here."

I peak through the door and see Lachy asleep in a purple chair.

"Oh no, did I come at a bad time? Maybe I should reschedule..."

"No, no, this is normal. All we have to do is yell 'wake up, Lachy!' after the count of three. Ready?" She explains. "One, two, three!"

"Wake up, Lachy!"

"Brrrr!" He rapidly shakes his head and jumps out of the chair.

"Thanks for waking me up, guys! Oh, hey, Y/N! Is it four-thirty already?"

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