The complete blueprints

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Dustin inspected looking down with the help of his binoculars as he was on top of a not so high building

"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has massive gun" Dustin explained to them the whole site he saw from up the building as they were sitting on the table in the back room

"Whatever's in this room whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it"

"But there's gotta be a way in" Robin expressed

"Well, you know... I could just take him out" Steve said as he finally stopped playing with his cap

"Take who out?"

"The Russian guard, what, I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy" Steve boasted Anna scoffed

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin reminded Steve

"Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking" Steve emphasized

"Well please tell me this and be honest, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?"  Dustin questioned

"Well there was this one time-" Anna cut him off saying

"Twice. Jonathan. Year prior?" Anna looked at him

"Listen that doesn't count-" This time it was Dustin to cut him off

"Why wouldn't it? Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you" Anna only looked at her brother smiling

"It was..." They started arguing and Anna butted in

"Listen Steve, I know who you are doing this for exactly, to boast or something, but if you go there you'll get killed, I am saying this to a friend my brother really likes" Anna leaned back since she met these people she noticed something odd about Steve and Robin, a feeling of tension, between these two? Maybe? Was she jealous? Absolutely"

"That just might work" Robin ran out Anna following her Robin took out money out of the tips jar

"Robin? Where are you going?" Anna asked concerned

"Can you give me a ride?" She asked the dark haired girl

"Yeah, uh, sure" Anna ran out before Robin as she argued with Steve

Anna opened the door for Robin just like last time and got in driving away from the parking lot

"Do I need to go faster or the normal speed?" Anna questioned the girl

"If it's in your terms then the normal would be enough" Robin joked making the other girl laugh as she sped up stopping in front of County recorder's office, after about 5 minutes of waiting inside the car Robin came out of there not speaking a word Anna just started their journey back

"It's fascinating what twenty bucks will get you at the County recorder's office" Robin said laying down a map kinda thing "Starcourt mall, the complete blueprints"

"Is that a map or is it just me?" Anna asked in a raspy voice Dustin looked at him

"Are you high?" Dustin questioned his sister

"Were you driving while high?" Robin practically shouted

"Uh... no? and no" Anna answered both their questions

"This will get you killed someday" Robin said worried Anna just sniffled walking towards them

"We've got bigger problems to deal with than me dying" she pointed at the map as Robin started explaining how they would get in the room through air ducts

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