Brainstorming phase

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Eddie continued explain whatever he saw when he was with Chrissy, Dustin sitting right in front of the long haired guy as Anna sat with Robin and Sebastian standing on either sides of her

"You all think I am crazy right?" Eddie asked, scoffing

"No, we don't think you are crazy-" Dustin got cut off

"Don't bullshit me man! I know how this sounds" Eddie's voice a bit higher

"We are not bullshitting you" Max informed

"We believe you" Robin spoke as Anna was in deep thought, this has to be something from the upside down, what she liked to call the dark dimension

"Look what i am about to tell you might be a little, difficult to take" Dustin warned


"You know how people say Hawkins is, cursed? They're not, way off, there's another world, a world hidden beneath Hawkins, sometimes it bleeds into ours"

"Like ghosts and shit?"

"There are some things worse than ghosts" Max said

"Alright I think this might be a good time for you to leave Bash" Anna looked at the guy

"Leave? Alright I know you're all in your fantasy little world, but this I cannot leave you here with this freak who tried to kill you, it's late at night" Sebastian informed

"Bash you don't understand, it's serious, leave, plus they are here" She pointed at the other people

"Okay fair point, but listen,it's late I- I am fucking scared of going alone after hearing all those stories" he admitted

"Bash, you have to, you cannot stay here"

"Why? Cuz I'll die? I am okay with that" Anna sighed at the guy's comment and stopped bothering for his safety

"If you wanna stay, stay but don't do anything stupid"

"Yes ma'am"

"Eddie these monsters, from this other world...we thought they were gone but they've come back before, and that's why we needed to find you" Dustin spoke to they long haired guy

"If they're back again, we need to know" Max spoke

"That night did you see anything? Dark particles anything weird?" Anna asked making Eddie shake his head as a no

"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust" Dustin questioned

"No man there was nothing you could see or uh or touch" Eddie replied "You know I tried to wake her man, she couldn't move, it was like she was in a trance or something"

"Or under a spell" Dustin's spoke

"A curse" Eddie continued

"Vecna's curse"

"Who's Vecna?" Steve asked

"An undead creature of great power" Dustin replied

"A spell caster"

"A dark wizard"


The next day all of them were back to Eddie with some food for the guy, Sebastian insisted on coming

"So we got uh, some good news and some bad news" Anna informed the guy "How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first always" Eddie informed, before munching on cereals

"Uh so we we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with his Cerebro, and they're looking for you, they are like almost fully convinced that you killed Chrissy"

"Like, 100 percent kind of convinced" Max commented

"And the good news?"

"Your name hasn't gone public yet" Robin replied this time "But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do too, and once that gets out everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you"

"Hunt the freak right?"



"So before that happens we need to find Vecna kill him and prove your innocence" Sebastian told him

"That's all Sebastian? That's all?"

"Yeah, no that's pretty much it"

"Listen Eddie, I know everything Dustin's saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kinda thing before" Robin explained

"We usually rely on this girl who has superpowers, but uh those went bye bye so" Steve started

"So we're technically in more of the kinda-"

"Brainstorming" Max suggested

"Brainstorming phase" Anna completed for him nodding at Max

"There's nothing to worry about" Dustin splutters as Eddie gives him a look that said 'seriously?'

Suddenly sirens were all audible to them as they cursed

"Eddie the tarp" Sebastian informed and helped him get under the tarp

The others went to the window and saw the police cars go the other way

"Ayo, let's go" Anna commanded making them all jog to their cars

Anna and Sebastian went into Anna's car

"Y'all can go follow the police, Bash you can join them"

"Where are you going?" Robin questioned

"Some work" and she drives off

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