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The room was bright. Brighter than usual. Seokjin had been in Yangsan for a few weeks now and he had never experienced this bright sunlight. Was he even in his room? As he slowly woke up, last night's incidents flashed in front of his eyes. His eyes became wide and he got immediately only to flinch, "Fuck!" He winced as he experienced a piercing pain in his lower back. He took off the blanket on his body and hissed as he saw that his body was painted with hickeys and bite marks. The image of him provoking and begging the prince to just fuck him came to his mind and he whined, "Ugh! So embarrassing." He checked the time. He still had three hours to get ready before he left for the airport. There was a message from Namjoon as well.

Prince Joon

I am really sorry for leaving again.
But if someone had seen us together, all the hard work you put in to save both nations would have been ruined.
I understand if you are still mad at me.
All I can say right now, is I deeply apologise.

Seokjin sighed and locked the phone without answering the texts. Nothing really mattered right now for him. He got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. When he looked himself up in the mirror, the bite marks and hickeys were all over his neck and chest. Some of them were even covered with band-aids. Seokjin didn't remember doing it himself. Maybe Namjoon did it. He ripped one of the band-aids off and winced. The wound was healed but he still felt the pain. Seokjin checked the rest of his body and then walked under the shower. The hot water that fell on his body felt like heaven. He took his time in the shower before coming out and dressing in a casual turtleneck and trousers. He wore his official suit coat over the turtleneck. When he was packing his stuff, he heard a knock. "Come in," he said subconsciously.

"Oh, you are ready." Yoongi came in with a bottle of juice. "I heard you had a headache last night. Are you alright?"

Seokjin took the bottle and sat on the couch, "Who told you?"

"Hoseok-shi." Yoongi sat beside him, "He said you went back with prince Namjoon." When Seokjin didn't say anything, Yoongi turned to him. A low gasp from Yoongi earned Seokjin's attention. "You horny bastard! You didn't have a headache, did you? Why would you lie to me? I was so worried!"

Seokjin sighed, "I didn't say anything. You believed the rumours."

Yoongi stood up and turned to Seokjin, "Hyung you could have waited one day before doing this. This is not our kingdom." Seokjin didn't respond to him. He didn't want to tell him that Namjoon made a mistake. He didn't know why he was silent. He could easily throw Namjoon under the bus and save himself from Yoongi's outburst. But he kept quiet. "Who was it?"

Seokjin put the bottle down, "Prince Namjoon."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "It is not funny anymore." He waited for Seokjin to answer but gave up when there was none. "Whatever. Just don't-" He stopped mid-sentence when they heard a knock.

Seokjin breathed out of his mouth, "Come in." He immediately got up when he saw Namjoon entering the room. Yoongi and Seokjin both bowed to him, "Your highness."

Namjoon nodded in acknowledgement. He looked at Yoongi, "Yoongi-shi, can I talk to Seokjin-shi for a minute?"

Yoongi nodded, "Sure."

When he didn't catch the meaning, Namjoon spoke again, "Alone."

"Right!" Yoongi turned to Seokjin, "I'll be waiting for you." After Seokjin nodded, Yoongi left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Seokjin sat on the couch and resumed drinking the juice that Yoongi had brought. It was really refreshing. He could feel Namjoon's stare on him and it reminded him of all the activities they had done last night. Ugh, this is embarrassing. Seokjin thought to himself.

"Seokjin-shi..." Namjoon finally broke the silence between them. "Hyung..." Seokjin looked up when he heard the longing in Namjoon's voice. Namjoon sat on his knees and bowed to Seokjin, "I am sorry. Whatever happened last night was an honest mistake on my side. I didn't mean to give you Jajjangchu. It was supposed to be Sake. I thought maybe I would make you drunk and take my revenge for all the teasing. I am really sorry."

Seokjin put the juice bottle down and stood up. He went to Namjoon, "Get up." Namjoon looked at Seokjin with wide eyes and then got up immediately. Seokjin stepped a little closer to Namjoon, "Namjoon-ah, I appreciate the apology." He stopped when Namjoon wasn't looking at him. Seokjin cupped Namjoon's cheek and made him look at Seokjin, "Namjoon, you are a prince. Crowned prince. I know you are feeling guilty and I know that the apology is sincere. But always remember your position. I am proud of you that you have the courage to apologise for your mistakes. However, a powerful man like you should never bow in front of anyone. Of course, there are exemptions. Your father, the heavens or your significant other. But not me. I am just a common diplomat who came here to save his people."

Namjoon immediately missed the warmth when Seokjin left his cheek. "But my mistake could land you in trouble."

Seokjin chuckled, "Namjoon-ah, it is alright. I know how to take care of myself. And about the apology. It is accepted."

Namjoon smiled a little and it made Seokjin happy for some reason to see the dimples on Namjoon again. Namjoon stepped a bit forward and then stopped. He looked at Seokjin, "Can I-" He cleared his throat, "Can I hug you?"

Seokjin laughed and opened his arms for Namjoon. Namjoon hugged Seokjin tightly. The warmth was so comforting that Namjoon wanted to stay like this forever.



Namjoon immediately broke the hug and smiled awkwardly, "Well, I should be leaving now. I'll see you at the entrance of the palace."

After Namjoon left, Seokjin packed other things in the bag. He looked around the room. This room will always be memorable for him. Taking a last, brief look at it, he turned back and left the room, locking it in the process. He reached the entrance and found that everyone was already there. He bowed to the king and prince, "Thank you for entertaining us for so long. We didn't know our three-day stay would turn out to be a two-week stay."

"The pleasure was ours, Seokjin-shi." Wonyoung smiled.

Namjoon nodded, "I agree. It was a very good chance of learning things from you, Seokjin-shi."

Seokjin chuckled, "I learnt many things too. Thank you once again." He bowed with his hand on his left chest before turning back and joining his company in the car.

Namjoon looked at the cars being driven away from the palace. He didn't know why it was affecting him so much but he had this longing feeling in his chest that something was missing. Maybe because Seokjin was the first one to see Namjoon as a human being and not as some authority to impress in order to get the work done. Maybe because after Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung, he was the first one to try and understand the position and life of Namjoon. Or maybe because he was just Seokjin.

He sighed and turned back to find Jungkook smiling at him, "What?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Just making sure that Seokjin-shi didn't take anything with him while he was here."

"Be more specific, Jungkook-ah..." Namjoon started walking towards his personal study.

Jungkook followed immediately, "You know, something important... Like my prince's heart."

Namjoon stopped in his tracks abruptly. The thing that he didn't want to admit was on Jungkook's tongue. His dragon eyes became more intense as he turned back, "Do not say those words again, Jungkook. I am the crowned prince of Yangsan and if the words get out it will create a problem. Not just for me, but for him as well. So just keep it to yourself. And your assumption is wrong." Namjoon turned back and started walking again.

Jungkook smirked as he saw Namjoon walking into the room. He chuckled and mumbled, "So defensive."

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