Chapter 4 - Beaten

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I had left John, and I made my way home, scared but anxious to see Rob. I'd love to see him and talk things out, because part of me still loves him. I can't help but forgive him.

Once I make it home, I slowly but cautiously drive into my driveway. The headlights shine brightly on the garage as I turn my car off and pull the keys out from the ignition. Any heels clink on the pavement as I tiredly push my body inside the house. "Ughh." I sigh, throwing my short cut leather jacket around somewhere and hanging my car keys on the hook beside the door. The house is unusually dark, considering I always forget to shut a light or two off. My attempt to tip toe up the stairs fails, as unknown but strong arms wrap around my neck, almost making me choke. "Heh!" I yelp, grasping for air.

"Don't you make a sound." The person whispers into my ear. And at that moment I knew who it was. Rob.

"Cmon--Robhh-Leh--Me. Go!" I shout; my voice dry and raspy as I try and pull his arm away. "Y-You've done enough d-damage to me you assh-hole."

"What'd you say to me?!" He asks, his voice raging and loud as he pinned me up against the wall by my shoulders.

I allow air to flow through my body s little more before I start talking again. "You're a complete jerk!" I whine, tears running down my cheeks none stop.

He shakes his head and puts me down as he slowly runs his tongue across his bottom lip. "You know what?"

"What?" I ask cautiously, afraid of him hurting me again. But without thinking, he slaps me across my right cheek; leaving a pinching, burning feeling. I bite my lower lip and squint my eyes shut, knowing that I should've never trusted him. He's nothing but a liar and a dick.

"C'mere." He spits, grabbing me by my wrist and leading me into my living room. The lights are still off, and all I want now is to get out of here. It seems like I'm drowning and I'm worth nothing.

He pins me down on the couch and starts unzipping my dress. My eyes are filled with nothing but fear but masked underneath my eyelids. "Please. Don't." I demand, trying the push his almost naked body away from mine. We've never done it before, but now it seems like the time is right for him but especially not for me. "Cmon please Rob." I whimper, as he begins to suck and bite at my neck, leaving love marks. But this isn't love. It's hatred and fear. There's always two kind of different people in a relationship. The one who seems like all they do is control you, and youre stuck in a pile of your own guilt that's going to haunt you for the rest of your life. And then the other person is left helpless.

His eyes narrow and meet mine as his body lies above me. "You know you want me, Katheryn." He whispers in an seductive but evil sounding tone. I nod my head in fear that he'll hurt me again if I don't do this for him. Life will never be the same and I know that this decision will always stay in my mind forever. "See.." He says like none of what he's already done ever happened. "I knew you would come along."

I let him do it. I let him. My naked, tired body is now weakly lying on the cold, uncomfortable couch while he is now most likely upstairs. I grasp the nearest blanket that was folding at the edge of the couch and wrapped it around me, sending warm and the tiniest bit of comfort through my body. I get up and glance at the clock. 2 a.m. My mind is telling me to run and get away, but now there's a sense of needfulness that seems like it's permanently in my mind. Like I need him. But I let him. I let him have what he wants. And I let him get away with it. Gosh I'm such an idiot.

Sorry for the short and awful chapter! I just needed something to do!


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