Loni X Goth!Male!Reader

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Being social has always been hard... Finding a romantic connection was even harder... Especially when you prefer the company of books and ghosts over people, find peace in the darkness... And above all... Loneliness in a group of people...

What you didn't expect to find when you tried slipping away from the stupid party your friends dragged you to, was a friend in the darkness... A blond sitting on the porch staring up at the stars with awe and wonder.

You tried to brush past him quietly but unfortunately the boots you chose to wear were clanky and loud... Which startled the other boy "Oh hi... I didn't think anyone else was out here" he said softly. Caught and startled you stared at him for a few seconds, apparently a few seconds too long since he stared awkwardly rambling on...

You found two things that night... A boy named Loni and a reason to smile and laugh and go to school for the first time in a long time. You also found that Loni was pretty popular, had a big group of friends and a massive family... But somehow... He never made you feel pressured to do something... Never made you feel like you needed to change...

You found a new side to him as well... A side that you were sure no one knew about... Not only was he kind and caring and the sweetest person you've ever met... He was smart and funny in ways not many people would understand... He was a little oblivious sometimes but most of the time he just took a while to understand things and process them...

Soon enough... As you sat watching him explain something from class, you found your mind wandering off... Your eyes quietly scanning over his features... Blond hair falling slightly into his face, annoying him slightly since he kept brushing it back, his slightly chubby cheeks and soft jawline...

He licked his lips and you mimicked the action subconsciously, your eyes now drawn to his gorgeous and soft lips... You found yourself wondering how his lips would taste and feel... You got so lost in your head and daydreams that you were completely oblivious to the fact that he had caught you staring...

His lips quirked into a soft smile, finally startling you out of your thoughts and forcing you to slowly meet his piercing blueish green eyes. You could feel the blood rushing to your face as he smile wider "Is something distracting you?" he asked innocently and sweetly, as if he weren't aware of your intense stare.

Once again he startled you into silence... Something that was rare for you... But instead of making fun of you or being disgusted... He sat closer and bit his lip slightly "Y/N... Do you like me, like I like you?" he asked gently...

That was the day you started dating... The day you found a little more than just friendship...

That had been one of the best days of your life... And it was almost six months ago. Usually you'd be the one planning your dates.. But Loni decide that he wanted to plan it this time, which lead to some trouble for him since he had no idea what you'd like to do.

Which is where he made a small mistake... He went to Lars for advice... Wanting to know what you'd like to do... He wanted to surprise you... But he didn't even have the first idea what type of gothic stuff you liked to do since you were always shopping with him... Doing something fashiony with him... Being his model... So he wanted to make it special for you.

With Lars' advice he fished around what you liked from your friends.

So far.

The cemetery was out since you preferred to not disturb the souls of the dead.

Vampires weren't really your thing since so many of the shows were so cringy and romanticized. So going to the local vampire themed house was out...

Loni got strongly advised agaisnt seances with you Because you were unlucky when it came to ghosts and ghost attacks... Getting scratched and pushed and getting thrown with a chair all in the span of half an hour was quite enough for you.

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