Chapter 1~Not Exactly Innocent

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Chapter 1~ Not Exactly Innocent

"Haley! Get your butt down here for school!" I quickly put my non-prescription glasses on and grabbed my messenger bag.

"I still don't understand why you do this." Dyson muttered, gesturing to my outfit. I was wearing a simple pair of jeans, fake glasses, and a t-shirt. "You really pretty. You could be really popular." He stated. I just shrugged.

"You know why." He knows about my fighting. He is actually the one who got me into it.

"Yeah, but I don't see why you just aren't yourself." I shrugged again.

"I don't want anyone to know the real me. If all the boys at school knew it was me beating them up, I'd be dead meat."

"Or you'd be really popular." I put my feet in the simple tennis shoes and ran out to my car.

"Come one. You need a ride, right?" Dyson's car is in the shop so mom said I have to drive him all week.

The drive to school was quiet except for the radio playing my favorite band, 3 Days Grace. I pulled up to my slot, number 66.

"Come on! Lets go!" Urged Dyson.

"No matter how many times you ask, I'm not hanging out with you and your posse." Dyson's face fell. The only reason I'm not bullied is because Dyson has made sure everyone stays away from me. I stood up on my tip toes and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek. "See ya in Chem." Dyson gave me a hug and we parted ways.

I remember when I first came to this school. I had decided to leave the private school I was going to because of the street fighting.

I leaned up and gave Dyson a kiss on the cheek.

"Who are you?" Some blond bimbo sneered.

"Bye Dyson! Love you!" I then tried to go to my first class but the girl stopped me.

"You know he'll leave you real soon, don't you?" I looked up at her, because she was quite tall in her stripper heels. "You're not even pretty. You have glasses."

"Oh honey, I don't think he'll ever leave me." The girl scoffed.

"Sure. Sure. He leaves everyone, you know? He left me, too. Can you believe that?" I nodded.

"Yes. But I'm pretty sure he won't leave his sister." Her face was priceless.

I hadn't even known people were watching that day until a chorus of laughs. That's also how I made my two best friends, Addie and Jason. They aren't to fond of Lexi, the blond girl who stopped me in the hallway that day.

"Haley!" I turned around and saw Jason running after me.

"Yeah. Everything okay?" I questioned. He looked pretty out of breath.

"It's Addie. She's crying in the bathroom. I don't know what's wrong!" He looked really panicked. Probably from the huge crush he has on her. I followed Jason to the boy/girl bathroom that is at the far end of the school. We still had about fifteen minutes until class started, so it would be okay.

"Addie. You okay?" I knocked softly on the bathroom door. "You there?" Suddenly the door opened and Addie pulled me inside.

"I saw him kissing Kayla." She cried harder.

"Who?" I patted her back and stroked her hair.

"Ja-Jason." I gasped. Jason?

"Are- are you sure it was him?" I asked. I'm pretty sure he's practically in love with Addie.

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