Chapter 4~Butterflies...Not Good, But Skateboarding I can handle

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When I stepped inside my house, tingles went all through my body. I have no idea what from, but I liked them. I liked them a lot. And I think I might have a reason...and that is not good. I can't care about anyone. I need to stay away from these types of things. I need to avoid Nate.

The next morning, guess who was at my freakin' house? Lucas and Nate. I'm still kinda mad at Lucas and I guess my plan at avoiding Nate wont go so well. 

"Mornin" I grumbled at I sat on a stool. Lucas, Nate and Dyson were all huddled around in a circle whispering about something.

Nate grinned at me and sat down on the chair in front of me. I quickly averted my eyes and they landed on Lucas who gave me a strange look. Then, I moved my eyes and they landed on Dyson who was drinking a cup of milk. Wow. 

"I'm gonna go get ready and walk to school." I informed everyone.

"Dude, it's Saturday." I shrugged at them but remained in my seat.

"Whatever. I'm gonna hit the skate park around noon." I said standing up from my seat. It was around eleven thirty, so if I got ready now, I could be at the park soon.

"I'll come with!" Nate quickly said. I shot that down quickly. 

"Oh, no. It's fine." 

"How about Lucas and Nate go with you." Dyson suggested. Lucas and Nate nodded.

"Whatever. Better be ready in less than five minutes." I smirked at them and ran up the stairs.

I picked out a black pair of skinny jeans, white tank top, blue loose top, and a pair of Jordan's. At the skate park I can be myself. No one who goes to my school goes to the skate park I'm going to. I grabbed my stupid Iphone that I fight very hard for and some money and put them in my back pocket. I'm not really one for purses.

"Come on already!" I yelled as I got down stairs. When I got down there, there was two very hot guys in front of me.

Nate's brown hair had that I-just-woke-up type thing and dang was he gorgeous. His shirt was a gray v-neck and it wasn't to tight, but it showed him off. It showed him off very well. Then he was wearing a pair of black jeans. I didn't know anyone could be so hot.

Lucas's blond hair was in front of his eyes and it was ruffled. His shirt what a white t-shirt, but it still clung to him. Lucas's jeans were a light blue like regular jeans and his shoes were nikes.

"You guys look really hot." I said, looking back up at their faces. I didn't even blush or anything when I told them that. "Like, totally hot." Lucas came over to me and slung an arm around my shoulder.

"You look very hot as well." Lucas complimented. 

"Hey! She's still my sister!" Dyson yelled from the other room.

"You look good, Haley." Nate started, "Now we follow you!"

"Hole-lee-crap." Nate said once we arrived at my skate park.

"They. Are. Good." Lucas said, kind of scared. We all had our skateboards in hand and walked out to the park. 

"Haley!" Mike called out as he saw me. He has a soft black hair that is a bit longer than a buzz cut and gorgeous blue eyes. 

"Mike! My best friend!" I gave him a hug and he kept his arm around me. 

"Luna! My best friend that is a girl!" He loosened his arm a bit, but kept it on my shoulder. "And who do we have here? They any good?" He whispered the latter into my ear. I shook my head 'no' and giggled.

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