Chapter 8

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August first came. Blue's Drinks and Sweets was closed for the day. Madeline was distracting Y/n for a few hours, as Yume and Lily set up the party. Some of Y/n's friends were supposed to be coming.

"May I know your name?" Lily asked kindly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm Y/n's unofficial boyfriend." Yume smiled.

"Huh? Unofficial?" Lily questioned.

"Well, we never said we were dating. But he agreed to let me love him. So, it's a bit complicated." Yume sheepishly laughed.

"I see. So, are you asking him out today?"

"I am. With promise rings."

Lily nodded. "I really hope Y/n doesn't reject you."

"Me too." Yume sighed. "Me too..."

The two continued working and cleaning up.


Madeline brought Y/n to his apartment. Y/n walked into the apartment first, and flicked on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" Lily, Yume, Madeline, and Y/n's two male friends cheered.

Y/n was stunned, in a decently okay way. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't angry.

He felt... Content.

Y/n knew it could've only been Yume who planned this, even though he hated surprises.

Y/n let of a small laugh of content.  "My Dumbass. You know I hate surprises."

"Hehe." Yume smiled. "But you don't seem angry."

Y/n sighed. "Let's get this party started."

"YAY!" Everyone cheered.

And the party got started with video games. They played Halo Reach, and shot the shit out of each other.


They got Y/n's (favorite dessert) for his birthday. He ate it with happiness. Then, it was time for presents. He was given a watch, a new phone case, the newest version of his favorite video game, and a new gaming chair.

Last was Yume.

Yume pulled out a ring box. Y/n jumped up in fear.

"Woah, woah, woah." Y/n wanted commitment, but he was not ready for marriage.

"Give me your hand." Yume commanded.

"Uh... No?"





"Gimme your hand, Y/n."


"Give it, god damn you!"

"I don't want it!"

"You don't even know what it is!"

The four people watched the two argue for a solid five minutes about Y/n giving up his hand. Y/n finally gave Yume his slightly smaller hand.

"Finally." Yume sighed.

"I did prepare a long speech, but fuck it. You don't want to hear a long speech."

"I really don't."

"Y/n, I love you. It's that simple, and I want you to be my official boyfriend. I bought us promise rings, and I... I just love you so much, so... Be mine?"

Yume held out the custom made rings. One was F/c on top and S/f/c on the inside with the words My Smartass engraved on the top with (Favorite Gemstone). The other was black with purple on the inside engraved with My Dumbass and an Amethyst stone.

Y/n gawked at the ring for him. His face lit up at it, and he was already in love with the ring.

"Fuck yes!" Y/n rapidly nodded.

Yume slipped the ring onto Y/n's left ring finger. Y/n slipped the slightly bigger ring onto Yume's left ring finger. Yume swiped a kiss off of Y/n's lips, making him feel embarrassed.


"Hehehe. Your dumbass~."


They stared dreamily into each other's eyes.

Madeline cleared her throat, breaking up their touching moment.

"Anyways. Let's play more games!" Madeline cheered.

Lily and the two male friends did too.

"I'm totally going to destroy you!" Y/n grinned.

"Try me!" Yume poked out his tongue at Y/n.

Yume and Y/n chuckled happily.

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